Study of chemical processes in industry: oil, fermentation, soap, shampoo, detergent, paper, carbon and cosmetics through theoretical studies from textbooks and journals and practice.
Program Objectives (PO)
Aktifitas Pembelajaran
Pertemuan 1
Kontrak belajar dan system penilaian Memahami proses Kimia dalam industry petrokimia
This course discusses the meaning of fluids, properties of fluids, pressure on solid objects and fluids, principles/laws of static fluids, typical properties of liquids, principles/laws
Discusses: 1) The scope of conservation which includes: Definition, objectives, benefits and efforts to conserve natural resources and the environment (SDAL) 2) Environmental ethics which
Study of matrices to solve systems of linear equations, functions, function limits, function continuity, function derivatives and their applications, integrals and their applications