Course Description
Statistical Physics studies the behavior of microscopic systems with a very large number of forming particles through two approaches, namely classical statistical distribution laws (Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics) and quantum statistical distribution (Bose-Einstein statistics and Fermi-Dirac statistics). In the lecture, the differences between the three statistical distribution laws will be explained and the application of the three types of distribution to several physics cases, for example ideal gases and true gases, boson gases and fermion gases, classical and semi-classical gases, Gibbs paradox, classical and semi-classical gas entropy. -classical, monatomic and diatomic gases, specific heat of monatomic and diatomic gases, specific heat of solids according to classical and quantum statistics, and the total partition function in the presence of molecular interactions, as well as the introduction of ensemble concepts (micro canonical, canonical, and large canonical).
Program Objectives (PO)
- Mahasiswa mampu menguasai konsep teoritis Fisika Statistik secara umum dan konsep teoritis distribusi Statistik Klasik (Maxwell-Boltzmann) dan distribusi Statistik Kuantum (Bose-Einstein dan Fermi-Dirac) secara mendalam.
- Mahasiswa mampu memformulasikan penyelesaian masalah prosedural terkait penerapan konsep teoritis distribusi Statistik Klasik dan Statistik Kuantum pada beberapa fenomena sistem fisis mikroskopis.
- Mahasiswa mampu menyelesaikan permasalahan terkait penerapan konsep teoritis distribusi Statistik Klasik dan Statistik Kuantum pada beberapa fenomena sistem fisis mikroskopis.