Course Description
Able to develop mastery of the nature of ecranization, the basic concepts of ecranization in the relationship between prose and film, the process of ecranization which refers to the phenomenon of transformation of vehicles from fiction such as poetry, folk tales, short stories, novels and dramas to films, both for television and in big screen cinemas and apply it to compare literary works with films and vice versa (context transfer), both in the same or different languages, through structured and independent activities to produce products (articles/simple films/documentaries) that are presented
Program Objectives (PO)
- • Memanfaatkan ipteks sebagai alat bantu penyelesaian masalah dan pengomunikasian gagasan ekranisasi sastra • Menguasai teori dalam kajian sastra ekranisasi, baik secara lisan/tulis • Mengambil keputusan strategis dalam menggunakan teori dalam ekranisasi sastra • Bertanggung jawab dan menunjukkan kepemilikan karakter iman, cerdas, mandiri, jujur, peduli, dan tangguh dalam penyelesaian tugas, kuis, dan tes yang terkait dengan aplikasi teori dalam ekranisasi sastra