
Our Top Course
Komunikasi Pembelajaran
( 16 Sections)
Pengembangan Media Foto
( 16 Sections)

Course Reading For Research

Program Studi S1 Sastra Inggris UNESA

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Course Description

This subject is intended to assist students to develop and cultivate the critical thinking skills applied to academic references of journal articles, book chapters, and the like from linguistics, literature, and cultural studies. This course stresses the importance of scientifically-based research. The students will be required to respond to texts in the written form of critical review. The classroom activities are conducted through individual reading projects, group activities, and quizzes.

Program Objectives (PO)

  • Being able to make use of methods and strategies in reading academic references critically
  • Being able to distinguish key features in academic references in the area of linguistics, literature, and culture
  • Being able to evaluate academic references
  • Being able to compose critical annotated bibliography of the selected academic references

Aktifitas Pembelajaran

  • Pertemuan 1
    To introduce the course outline
    • Date  6 Februari 2024

  • Pertemuan 2
    To select appropriate and relevant references
    • Date  13 Februari 2024

  • Pertemuan 3
    To select appropriate and relevant references
    • Date  20 Februari 2024

  • Pertemuan 4
    To cite appropriate and relevant references
    • Date  27 Februari 2024

  • Pertemuan 5
    To check students’ understanding on referencing system
    • Date  5 Maret 2024

  • Pertemuan 6
    To distinguish key features in academic references in the area of linguistics
    • Date  12 Maret 2024

  • Pertemuan 7
    To distinguish key features in academic references in the area of literature and cultural studies
    • Date  19 Maret 2024

  • Pertemuan 8
    To achieve course learning outcome 1 & 2
    • Date  26 Maret 2024

  • Pertemuan 9
    To evaluate academic reference
    • Date  2 April 2024

  • Pertemuan 10
    To evaluate academic reference
    • Date  9 April 2024

  • Pertemuan 11
    To evaluate academic reference
    • Date  16 April 2024

  • Pertemuan 12
    To compose Critical Annotated Bibliography
    • Date  23 April 2024

  • Pertemuan 13
    To compose Critical Annotated Bibliography
    • Date  30 April 2024

  • Pertemuan 14
    To compose Critical Annotated Bibliography
    • Date  7 Mei 2024

  • Pertemuan 15
    To check students’ understanding on some steps in making critical Annotated Bibliography
    • Date  14 Mei 2024

  • Pertemuan 16
    To achieve CLO 3 & 4
    • Date  21 Mei 2024


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  • Program StudiS1 Sastra Inggris
  • Semester4
  • Lectures1
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