Course Description
The Schreiben fuer Anfaenger course discusses students‘ writing competence at A1 language level, introduction to types of text and vocabulary and expressions with communicative themes that appear in everyday life. The aim of this course is to develop writing competence in German at level A I. Students are trained to be able to write using vocabulary and expressions that are appropriate and appropriate to the type of text. They are also taught appropriate writing strategies according to the type of text. The material for this course is taken from the Netzwerk A1 book and other reference books that are appropriate to the A1 language level and supported by materials from various books/internet and teaching sources that are at an equivalent level. Lectures are carried out in an integrated manner using a communicative approach and lecture activities include direct learning, lectures, questions and answers, discussions, presentations, cooperative learning and project based learning. Assessment is carried out through observing student participation, assignments, UTS and UAS
Program Objectives (PO)
- kompetensi menulis dalam bahasa Jerman setingkat A I. Mahasiswa dilatih untuk mampu menulis dengan baik, menggunakan strategi menulis yang tepat. Materi mata kuliah ini diambil dari buku Netzwerk A1 dan buku rujukan lain niveau A-1 seperti, Studio d A1 Einheit 1-6 serta ditunjang oleh materi-materi dari berbagai buku/internet dan sumber ajar yang berada pada level asetara. Perkuliahan dilaksanakan secara terpadu dengan menggunakan pendekatan komunikatif, dengan tujuan agar mahasiswa mampu berbahasa Jerman secara komprehensif. Kegiatan perkuliahan meliputi pembelajaran langsung, ceramah, tanya jawab, diskusi, menyimak, kerja individu dan kelompok dengan menggunakan media cetak, CD, CD-Player dan Video.