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Class Participants in Seminar Proposal Final Project - 2021A

No StudentID Student Name Class of
1. 19051214085 Nanda Eka Hermawanto 2019
2. 21051214010 Sultan Choirullah Rafi Anggraris 2021
3. 21051214022 ADINDA NABILA FIRNANDA 2021
4. 21051214025 YUNINDA INTAN 2021
No StudentID Student Name Class of
5. 21051214037 DEWI RARA PRAMEISTY 2021
6. 21051214053 JARWO TRIMULYO 2021
7. 21051214055 BAGAS SETYA WICAKSONO 2021
8. 21051214063 Khiena Salsabiila Susanty 2021