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( 16 Sections)
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( 16 Sections)

Class Participants in Artistic Management - 2021U

No StudentID Student Name Class of
1. 21020134027 Alvina Aprilia Yudistira 2021
2. 21020134034 RETNO PALUPI 2021
3. 21020134052 ABIDA LAILA HESTIKA HIKMAH 2021
4. 21020134053 Devy Indra Purnamasari 2021
No StudentID Student Name Class of
5. 21020134060 SISKA IMA NUR AYUNDA 2021
6. 21020134061 BAGUS INDRA CAHYA 2021
7. 21020134082 AKBAR MAULANA RIZKY 2021