
Our Top Course
Pengembangan Media Foto
( 16 Sections)
Komunikasi Pembelajaran
( 16 Sections)

Class Participants in Sport - 2020C

No StudentID Student Name Class of
1. 20060484070 IRAWAN PRASTYA HANDOYO 2020
2. 20060484079 MUHAMMAD ASRIL AZIS 2020
3. 20060484082 Dimas Ridho Su'udi 2020
4. 20060484089 GALIH SETYO PERMATA 2020
5. 20060484096 SOFIA ISNA RAHMADANI 2020
6. 20060484098 RIZKY ARIF SUYONO 2020
7. 20060484102 Joe Pratama Saragih 2020
8. 20060484103 MAULANA DAVID 2020
No StudentID Student Name Class of
9. 20060484109 DIMAS ZHAFRAN AL FARRAS 2020
10. 20060484115 MOH. ZAINUDDIN 2020
11. 20060484116 M. NUR WAHID GUFRON 2020
12. 20060484117 MOHAMMAD DAMANG PRASETYA 2020
13. 20060484118 Brighaza Gayoeh Arsyanadi 2020
14. 20060484133 ALIFAISYA ANGGA 2020
15. 20060484137 Devano Saviola P J 2020