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Class Participants in Thesis - 2019A

No StudentID Student Name Class of
1. 19041344001 Firdausi Irma Salsabila 2019
2. 19041344003 Ana Mustabshirotul Ula 2019
3. 19041344004 Zahrotun Islamiyah 2019
4. 19041344005 Muhammad Diwanul Mujahidin 2019
5. 19041344006 Karina Salma 2019
No StudentID Student Name Class of
6. 19041344007 Defifatul Laili Khoirun Ni'mah 2019
7. 19041344015 Intan Auliya Ana 2019
8. 19041344016 Mayangsari Artatila 2019
9. 19041344018 Herliana Vita Rahmawati 2019
10. 19041344046 Alesandro Rahmatullah Hermawan 2019