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Class Participants in Mathematics Seminar - 2019F

No StudentID Student Name Class of
1. 19030214002 Marisa Damayanti 2019
2. 19030214003 Ananda Kusuma Wati 2019
3. 19030214004 Putri Anis Nurul Yania 2019
4. 19030214005 Juwita Marlinda Sari 2019
5. 19030214011 Addinda Nur Ameliyah 2019
No StudentID Student Name Class of
6. 19030214024 Lilis Mardiana 2019
7. 19030214027 DIMAS NUGROHO 2019
8. 19030214037 SUKMA KUSUMA AMBARWATI 2019
9. 19030214047 DEVI PUSPITASARI 2019
10. 19030214049 Lilla Afiffah 2019