
Our Top Course
Komunikasi Pembelajaran
( 16 Sections)
Pengembangan Media Foto
( 16 Sections)

Class Participants in Physical Activity and Non-Communicable Diseases - 2020A

No StudentID Student Name Class of
1. 20060484005 JAGAT SHINE MUARIF 2020
2. 20060484018 ROMADHONA MAGHFIROH 2020
3. 20060484019 DENYSA PUTRI AULIA 2020
4. 20060484021 CITRA NAJWA FADILA 2020
5. 20060484026 MOHAMMAD AINUL RIZQI 2020
No StudentID Student Name Class of
6. 20060484031 VONEY KITTY AMANDA AUDYA 2020
7. 20060484045 PUTRI ANISA ALIFIYA RAHMA 2020
8. 20060484101 Mohammad Krisno Bayu Seto 2020
9. 20060484141 AYU HALIMATUS SAKDIYAH 2020
10. 20060484152 MUHAMMAD DICY YANUAR 2020