
Our Top Course
Pengembangan Media Foto
( 16 Sections)
Komunikasi Pembelajaran
( 16 Sections)

Class Participants in Business Communication Practices Community Health and Safety - 2020A

No StudentID Student Name Class of
1. 17080574064 ADAM SUSENO 2017
2. 20080574001 MUH. ALFAIZUN 2020
3. 20080574015 IRFI MASFIYAH 2020
4. 20080574031 INGGRIT AULIA WATI HASANAH 2020
5. 20080574037 ERNITA JUNIARTI QUMAIROH 2020
6. 20080574041 BADRUS SHOLEH 2020
7. 20080574045 INDRA BASKARA SITUMEANG 2020
8. 20080574046 Maeza Rike Nabila 2020
9. 20080574049 Valdi Arfiansyah 2020
10. 20080574055 ACHMAD MUKTAFI AKBAR 2020
11. 20080574067 NUR HALIDA AULIYA 2020
12. 20080574083 IKA RAHAYU PUSPANINGRUM 2020
No StudentID Student Name Class of
14. 20080574099 PITALOKA ANDINI 2020
15. 20080574105 Erlita Yudi Handini 2020
16. 20080574118 ANDINA ARIANI 2020
17. 20080574132 M. EKA MARSHANDA PRAMESTYAN 2020
18. 20080574144 RR. ZAFIRA DEANISA OCTAVIANI 2020
19. 20080574159 LELA SEPTATIANA RATNAWATI 2020
20. 20080574165 Thoriq Septian Firjatullah 2020
21. 20080574166 Ahnaf manaf 2020
22. 20080574167 Nurul Fatihatul Fikriyah 2020
23. 20080574175 AKHMAD SABIL 2020