
Our Top Course
Komunikasi Pembelajaran
( 16 Sections)
Pengembangan Media Foto
( 16 Sections)

Class Participants in Practicum Data and Signal Processing Multimedia - 2020D

No StudentID Student Name Class of
1. 20050874002 ERVINA TRYASTUTI RAHAYU 2020
2. 20050874003 RAISSA ALFATIKARANI 2020
3. 20050874006 MUHAMMAD 'AAMIR NASHRULLAH 2020
4. 20050874025 LARAS SUCININGTYAS 2020
5. 20050874026 M. DEAN BURHANUDIN 2020
6. 20050874034 IFA NIRMALA LAILI 2020
7. 20050874037 Nusaibatul Zahra Al Rahmat 2020
No StudentID Student Name Class of
8. 20050874040 SYAQILA SAL SABILA 2020
9. 20050874058 JASMINE ANJANI 2020
10. 20050874064 VIVIN KUSUMA WIJAYANTI 2020
11. 20050874071 Hadids Ammar Zamaidzar 2020
12. 21050874096 LAILATUL ZAKIYAH 2021
13. 21050874098 MOHAMMAD YOGA DWI PRASETYA 2021