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( 16 Sections)
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( 16 Sections)

Class Participants in Thesis - 2016A

No StudentID Student Name Class of
1. 16040284002 SABILA FITRI HAMIDAH 2016
2. 16040284007 MAYANG NOVELA ASMARA 2016
3. 16040284044 ILHAM DIMAS SEPTIO SRIVANI 2016
4. 16040284045 SAFITRI PURNAMA SARI 2016
5. 16040284049 YESI PRASTIKA 2016
6. 16040284051 NUR HALIMAH 2016
7. 16040284054 SITI MUTA'ALIMAH 2016
8. 16040284056 THORIQUL AZIZ 2016
No StudentID Student Name Class of
9. 16040284059 BEKTI SETYO UTOMO 2016
10. 16040284062 ACH. YUHIB AFANDI 2016
11. 16040284068 ISMANI KHOLIFATUSSOFA 2016
12. 16040284070 ROSI ANWAR 2016
13. 16040284073 Mokhamad Bhima Pramudita 2016
14. 16040284081 KHOYYIR NAFA AZIZAH 2016
15. 16040284086 MOHAMMAD SAKIRIN 2016
16. 16040284089 ARIN SETYONING TIYAS 2016