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Class Participants in English For Business Communication - 2019B

No StudentID Student Name Class of
1. 17020154016 MARITA KHOIRUNNISAA' 2017
2. 18020154034 MUHAMMAD NUR ALWAN 2018
3. 18020154046 ISMI SELMAMURTI 2018
4. 19020154008 Dinda Ayu Pratiwi 2019
No StudentID Student Name Class of
5. 19020154013 Lintang Novitasari 2019
6. 19020154017 Cynthia Lailanisa Soegiono 2019
7. 19020154018 Ahmada Harits Fabian Zamruda 2019
8. 19020154023 BRITNEY CAREN JOSEPH 2019