
Our Top Course
Komunikasi Pembelajaran
( 16 Sections)
Pengembangan Media Foto
( 16 Sections)

Class Participants in Entrepreneurship Construction Services Construction - 2019B

No StudentID Student Name Class of
1. 19050724038 Dimas Bimo Nugroho 2019
2. 20050724027 AKMAL ABRISAM 2020
3. 20050724028 Faneza Dwi Ardiyasti 2020
4. 20050724031 TEGAR BINTANG SAPUTRA 2020
5. 20050724032 Eky Yusuf Bachtiar 2020
6. 20050724033 Moh. Fatah Ifandi 2020
7. 20050724034 BILLALVA KRISNA ALBETA 2020
8. 20050724035 GILANG MUHAMMAD RAMADHAN 2020
9. 20050724036 ALIF AKBAR HIDAYATULLAH 2020
No StudentID Student Name Class of
10. 20050724084 DEVI MARIA SIMANJUNTAK 2020
11. 20050724089 DEVI WULANDARI 2020
13. 20050724095 AHMAD IHSAN NUURSI 2020
14. 20050724096 Anton Tri Wibowo 2020
15. 20050724098 ANNISA SALSABILA LARASATI 2020
16. 20050724101 WAHYU HUDHA PRASETYA 2020
17. 20050724109 DENNISON AULIA NUR'ILMI 2020