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Class Participants in Stylistics for Children with Special Needs Advanced Level - 2018C

No StudentID Student Name Class of
1. 18020074003 FARIDA 2018
2. 18020074015 NURMUTIAH ARINDATAMA 2018
3. 18020074033 DWI NURHAYA 2018
4. 18020074039 SISKA PUTRI ARIMBI 2018
No StudentID Student Name Class of
5. 18020074060 QATHRUNNADA HURIL AZKIA 2018
6. 18020074087 I'ANATUS SHOLIHAH 2018
7. 18020074102 YOSUA ROBODIA MIOKBUN 2018
8. 18020074111 LILIK WIDIYAWATI 2018