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Class Participants in Geography Health - 2017A

No StudentID Student Name Class of
1. 17040274017 BAGUS SETIAWAN 2017
2. 18040274049 ROFIAN RAMADHAN 2018
3. 18040274051 FAJAR BAYU PRIYAMBODO 2018
4. 18040274058 J. AL ASRORI 2018
5. 18040274069 LUKMAN AHMAD HUSAINI 2018
No StudentID Student Name Class of
6. 18040274070 NUR AINI MIFTAKHUR ROHMAH 2018
7. 18040274071 BINTI NADILA MAHMUDAH 2018
8. 18040274109 NUR LAILI TANIAWATI 2018
9. 18040274114 LUTFIAH NURIA SHINTA 2018