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( 16 Sections)
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( 16 Sections)

Class Participants in Learning Planning - 2019A

No StudentID Student Name Class of
1. 19080554001 Wahidatul Qomariya 2019
2. 19080554003 Siti Rahma Saputri Ningsih 2019
3. 19080554007 Achmad Adi Kurniawan 2019
4. 19080554009 Laily Hanania Dewi 2019
5. 19080554011 Hervina Renovaka Pradev Devi 2019
6. 19080554018 SAFIRA INTAN MAULINA 2019
7. 19080554020 DANI KURNIAWATI 2019
8. 19080554024 Nurul Azizah 2019
9. 19080554026 Alya Naura Putra Pratama 2019
10. 19080554028 SITI MUNAWAROH 2019
11. 19080554032 Ikrima Renanda Afina Dyahfirdania 2019
No StudentID Student Name Class of
12. 19080554034 INDIYANI SA'IDHATUN NAZILAH 2019
13. 19080554036 Ayu Mas Rikha 2019
14. 19080554038 STEVANI SIBURIAN 2019
15. 19080554040 Izza Nur Rohmah 2019
16. 19080554042 NURFAIZ SUBAKTIYO 2019
17. 19080554046 Diyah samrotul fitri 2019
18. 19080554048 Nurul Hidayah 2019
19. 19080554050 NUR HASIYAH JAMIL 2019
21. 19080554054 AGNES NATALIA DWI ANI 2019
22. 19080554056 MUHAMMAD ALIM MAULANA 2019