
Our Top Course
Komunikasi Pembelajaran
( 16 Sections)
Pengembangan Media Foto
( 16 Sections)

Class Participants in Statistics - 2020B

No StudentID Student Name Class of
1. 20070805001 ERDINA ALDY CAHYONO 2020
2. 20070805002 WIRA SATYA SUGIANTO 2020
3. 20070805003 M. IMAM YUSUF WIBISONO 2020
4. 20070805007 RADIN PURNAMA WUNI 2020
5. 20070805011 MOH. AMRULLAH ALBAITOMI 2020
6. 20070805017 DIBYO TRI WIDODO 2020
7. 20070805018 INDRA TRIMULYONO 2020
No StudentID Student Name Class of
8. 20070805021 MUHAMMAD WILDAN HABIBI AR 2020
9. 20070805022 YURIDA NOR AULA 2020
10. 20070805024 LALU DENY HARDIAN EKA PRADANA 2020
11. 20070805025 SAKTI ABRIAN PRATAMA 2020
12. 20070805028 MUHAMAD HARRYANTO 2020
13. 20070805030 BOBBY ADE SETIAWAN 2020