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Class Participants in Methods for Vocal Classes - 2017A

No StudentID Student Name Class of
1. 17021254006 AULIA AYU MAHARANI 2017
2. 17021254008 RIDHO SHOLEHUDDIN 2017
3. 17021254016. MOCH. FARREL DIZA PRAMUDYA 2017
4. 17021254018. ZUNIARIC WAHYU ALDIANSYAH 2017
5. 17021254023. ALMAS LINOFIAN MUTHASIM 2017
No StudentID Student Name Class of
6. 17021254028 DELICA FIKRI BERLIANSYAH 2017
7. 17021254030. ARIF LUTFUL KHOIRI 2017
8. 17021254034 SALSABIL LUKIS GUSLIN 2017
9. 17021254055. YAHYA ARCHIYAN NOVROFI 2017
10. 17021254056. Aldy Kurnia Riswanto 2017