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Class Participants in Thesis - 2015A

No StudentID Student Name Class of
1. 13010714009 RIA RAHAYU SETIAWATI 2013
2. 13010714015 ALFIYAN ZAINUL HADI 2013
3. 13010714037 EKO CAHYA HERLAMBANG PUTRA 2013
4. 13010714053 YULIUS ARDY SETIAWAN 2013
No StudentID Student Name Class of
5. 13010714075 RETNO DEWI SYAFA'ATI 2013
6. 14010714015 DESI NUR NATALIA 2014
7. 15010714056 NISRINA AMATULLAH 2015
8. 15010714070 ARI WULANDARI 2015