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Class Participants in Thesis Proposal Writing - 2016G

No StudentID Student Name Class of
1. 16020084015 DWI PUTRI ARUMDANI 2016
2. 16020084028 NILAM KIS ARUMCENDANI ROIS 2016
3. 16020084029 EIGHI YUNI AWANDA 2016
4. 16020084030 M. FAJAR SETIAWAN 2016
5. 16020084042 VELLYNA HANDAYANI 2016
6. 16020084044 TITAN MEUTHIA ANNISA 2016
No StudentID Student Name Class of
7. 16020084045 GITA ORCHIDEA NADIRA 2016
8. 16020084046 AZZAM FIQRI MUHAMMAD 2016
9. 16020084059 ANITA CANDRA SARTIKA 2016
10. 16020084060 ROSA ANGGRAINI 2016
11. 16020084061 AISA RAHMATIKA SITOMPUL 2016