
Our Top Course
Komunikasi Pembelajaran
( 16 Sections)
Pengembangan Media Foto
( 16 Sections)

Class Participants in Financial Management Education - 2017I

No StudentID Student Name Class of
1. 17070845002 ATIEK ISTIJARTI 2017
2. 17070845003 HERLIS SILVIANA 2017
3. 17070845008 Yeremias Mahur 2017
4. 17070845010 TYAPATRA DWI RANGGA 2017
5. 17070845012 ASMA LUTFAH 2017
6. 17070845015 SUWARNO 2017
No StudentID Student Name Class of
7. 17070845018 INDIRA MAHARANI PUTRI 2017
8. 17070845021 ANIK WISMIARTI 2017
9. 17070845023 ULA MAUIDHOTUL HASANAH 2017
10. 17070845024 M MUKORROBIN HUDA 2017
11. 17070845029 PUTRI FATMAWATI NUR HAMIDA 2017
12. 17070845032 TRI WAHYUNI 2017