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Class Participants in Thesis - 2016A

No StudentID Student Name Class of
1. 16070845001 SARI NUSANTARA PUTRI 2016
2. 16070845002 NI'MATUR ROHMAH 2016
3. 16070845006 DANI NURCHOLIS 2016
4. 16070845007 NURHAYATI 2016
5. 16070845008 MUHAMMAD MASRUR HUDA 2016
No StudentID Student Name Class of
6. 16070845009 YEFRIS ADRIANTO SELAN 2016
7. 16070845015 ARINI HAQ 2016
8. 16070845023 YENIK WAHYUNINGSIH 2016
9. 16070845025 AMBAR WAHYU KARTIKASARI 2016
10. 16070845028 A. LUTHFI ANSHORI 2016