
Our Top Course
Pengembangan Media Foto
( 16 Sections)
Komunikasi Pembelajaran
( 16 Sections)

Class Participants in Studies Education and Gender - 2016B

No StudentID Student Name Class of
1. 16040564033 TIYAS KUSUMA WARDANI 2016
2. 16040564036 RARA AYU SHANTY PUJI LESTARI 2016
3. 16040564037 OKTAVIA YASNANDRA 2016
4. 16040564040 IKA AKNES ANJARSARI 2016
5. 16040564041 RINI KRESTANTI 2016
6. 16040564043 ANNATSA FAHIMATUN NADA 2016
7. 16040564045 DONI LAKSONO SUBAGIO 2016
8. 16040564047 AKIYAR TRI CAHYONO 2016
9. 16040564048 LUTFI HARIYANTO NUGROHO 2016
No StudentID Student Name Class of
10. 16040564049 TONNY ADAM AFLANDO 2016
11. 16040564050 NIHAYATUL ISHMAH 2016
12. 16040564056 ANA FITRA 2016
14. 16040564058 YUSTANTI 2016
15. 16040564059 HIFNI AZIZATUR ROFIQIYAH 2016
16. 16040564060 AYU FU'AIZA RAMANDA 2016
17. 16040564061 FARIDA UMAMI RAMADHANSI 2016
18. 16040564062 ADITYA GAKOI 2016