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Class Participants in Practicum Basic Phenomena of Machines - 2015E

No StudentID Student Name Class of
1. 12050754227 SIGIT TRIHATMOJO 2012
2. 15050754034 FANIA AGUSTIN 2015
3. 15050754043 ARFAN ARSYAD 2015
4. 15050754059 BOBBY XAVERIUS 2015
5. 15050754068 MOCH. RIZAL ADI IRAWAN 2015
No StudentID Student Name Class of
6. 15050754070 BRAM ERLAMBANG 2015
7. 15050754074 ARIF ADJI SUHADA 2015
8. 15050754076 MOH. ZULIANTO 2015
9. 15050754084 MUHAMMAD KHABIBULLAH 2015
10. 15050754086 ANDRIAWAN 2015