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Class Participants in Practicum Digital Control Systems and Automation - 2016C

No StudentID Student Name Class of
1. 16050874002 FERNANDA KURNIAWAN 2016
2. 16050874004 RIZTAN HANIF ABDILAH 2016
3. 16050874005 M. EKO PRASETYO 2016
4. 16050874007 PRAYUDA ARI GUNTORO 2016
5. 16050874011 PRIO HARTANTO 2016
6. 16050874019 ACHMAD KHOIRUDIN 2016
7. 16050874020 BRILLIAN ADI WIBOWO 2016
No StudentID Student Name Class of
8. 16050874021 FAHMI MAHARDI MOCHTAR 2016
9. 16050874022 JEPRI ISWANTORO 2016
10. 16050874023 FANDIK AGUNG KURNIAWAN 2016
11. 16050874026 NUGROHO SURYA DWI PUTRA 2016
12. 16050874029 MOCHAMAD MASNUR KHOIRUDIN 2016
13. 16050874031 PUJA AWWALIA ROHMAH 2016
14. 16050874035 M. BADRUDDIN A'LA MUSTHOFA 2016