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Class Participants in Practice Practice Chassis Technology - 2015C

No StudentID Student Name Class of
1. 15050524002 ATA SYIFA' NUGRAHA 2015
2. 15050524005 PRIYARGO BREGAS SAPUTRO 2015
3. 15050524006 DENI ARFIA ARDIANTO 2015
4. 15050524007 RAGIL SATRIA PAMUNGKAS 2015
5. 15050524009 ANIS LUTFARIDA AGUSTIN 2015
6. 15050524014 GEMA ANGGAR SAFITRI 2015
7. 15050524018 IMAM SUTRISNO 2015
No StudentID Student Name Class of
8. 15050524026 M. BAHRUDDIN 2015
9. 15050524043 AGUS SUHENDRI 2015
10. 15050524061 YOGA ARISTIAWAN 2015
11. 15050524067 NUR LAILA HIDAYATUL ARIFAH 2015
12. 15050524079 OKI PRAYOGA 2015
13. 15050524084 MAULANA STEVANSYAH 2015