
Our Top Course
Komunikasi Pembelajaran
( 16 Sections)
Pengembangan Media Foto
( 16 Sections)

Class Participants in Guarantees Social Employment - 2015K

No StudentID Student Name Class of
1. 15040704016 MUHAMMAD AZHAR ABDU 2015
2. 15040704017 WULAN DIRGAHAYU NINGSIH 2015
3. 15040704025 REYNISA IKKO DAMAYANTI 2015
4. 15040704034 DIAN MEY ARDIATI 2015
5. 15040704046 Dita Indah Anggraini 2015
6. 15040704047 ABIDZAR ALQIFARI 2015
7. 15040704050 LIDYA ULVA DWI SEPTIYOWATI 2015
No StudentID Student Name Class of
8. 15040704051 GUSTI PANJI SUGIARTO PUTRA 2015
9. 15040704058 NURUL JAZILAH AENI 2015
10. 15040704064 ARI SUSANTI 2015
11. 15040704077 ERIK IRIYANTO 2015
12. 15040704080 OLA GUNA RISTANTI 2015
13. 15040704088 CANDRA BAGAS AGUS NUGROHO 2015
14. 15040704090 ACHMAD FAUZY AFANDI 2015