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Class Participants in Building Communication Perception of Sound and Rhythm - 2015J

No StudentID Student Name Class of
1. 15010044006 WIDIANA YULI PRASETYO 2015
2. 15010044009 DIMY MULLYANA 2015
3. 15010044012 Ariensa Gita Pralistyo Putri 2015
4. 15010044023 DEVIRA PUTRI GIANA 2015
5. 15010044027 FANIA DWI MULYANINGTYAS 2015
No StudentID Student Name Class of
6. 15010044036 RHISMA RACHMAWATI 2015
7. 15010044043 AYU PUTRI PERMATASARI 2015
8. 15010044045 KHOIRUL NIKMAH 2015
9. 15010044068 AZIZZURRAHMAN AMRI 2015
10. 15010044083 BAGUS DELTA PRASTYA 2015