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Class Participants in Nutrition Health and Psychotropics - 2015B

No StudentID Student Name Class of
1. 15030204067 MEGAWATI 2015
2. 15030204071 MAULIDIA NUR LAILY 2015
3. 15030204080 LATHIFAH RAHMA AZIZAH 2015
4. 15030204081 INTAN ZUSVIE HERIANTO 2015
5. 15030204083 NUR LAILATUL KHIKMAH 2015
6. 15030204084 AFRIDA NING'UM WARDANI 2015
No StudentID Student Name Class of
7. 15030204089 ALIFVIA DEWI PRAMESTHI 2015
8. 15030204091 INGGAR SARASWATI 2015
9. 15030204098 SANTI HENDRIYANI 2015
10. 15030204099 MUSTAMIL ARIFIN 2015
11. 15030204105 KHUSNUL KHOTIMAH 2015