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Class Participants in Pelatihan Dikjasor - 2017B

No StudentID Student Name Class of
1. 17070805002 ANNISA ALIFVIA ARTHA 2017
2. 17070805028 BAITUR ROCHMAN 2017
3. 17070805031 GALIH PRASETYO 2017
4. 17070805032 DANANG RAMADHANI 2017
5. 17070805034 DHAYU BRIYAN WIJAYA 2017
No StudentID Student Name Class of
6. 17070805037 DENY SYAHRIAL 2017
7. 17070805038 BAYU SEGARA 2017
8. 17070805039 EKA CAHYADI 2017
9. 17070805058 AYUK TYAS AGUSTINA 2017