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Class Participants in Traffic Engineering Practicum - 2014B

No StudentID Student Name Class of
1. 14050724017 IFTITAH ADNANY 2014
2. 14050724019 LOLA APRILIA YOLANDA 2014
3. 14050724020 HERWIN WIDYA WARDANA 2014
4. 14050724021 ANDIK PARMANTO 2014
5. 14050724022 AYU DEANITA PUTRI 2014
6. 14050724023 FRANDHY NAUFAL SETYAWAN 2014
7. 14050724024 YOGI DWINANDA RAMADHAN 2014
No StudentID Student Name Class of
8. 14050724025 OKY RACHMAWAN SAPUTRA 2014
9. 14050724052 FAHMI FERNANDO 2014
10. 14050724055 WIRA ARI SUMANTRI 2014
11. 14050724076 YOGA PRAWIRA SASTRANEGARA 2014
12. 14050724083 ALIF HUDIPRASETIA GHOZALI 2014
13. 14050724084 RISKA NINDYA PUTRI 2014
14. 14050724086 BERLIAN KURNIA WILUJENG 2014