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( 16 Sections)
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( 16 Sections)

Class Participants in Applied Linguistics - 2016B

No StudentID Student Name Class of
1. 16070835017 FAIZATUR ROHMAH 2016
2. 16070835027 NURAINI SETIANINGSIH 2016
3. 16070835043 HASAN IRSYAD 2016
4. 16070835059 DESY INDAH WULANDARI 2016
5. 16070835069 WARDATUL YUNITA TIKASARI 2016
6. 16070835070 DELLA ANDANIA FIELDA SARIE 2016
No StudentID Student Name Class of
7. 16070835072 ALFIAN ROFIQI 2016
8. 16070835076 PAUNDRA PRISTYASIWI 2016
9. 16070835080 PURWO PRASETYO YUWONO 2016
10. 16070835082 EKA LIDIA USTANTI 2016
11. 16070835083 DENY CAHYONO 2016