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Class Participants in Motorcycle and Small Motorbike - 2015A

No StudentID Student Name Class of
1. 15050524006 DENI ARFIA ARDIANTO 2015
2. 15050524046 TRI NUR DIANTORO 2015
3. 15050524050 ACHMAD MUSONIF 2015
4. 15050524052 ANGGARIYA PUTRA 2015
5. 15050524056 AHMAD ERWIN SAPUTRA 2015
6. 15050524059 HAMID RAMADHAN NUR 2015
7. 15050524061 YOGA ARISTIAWAN 2015
No StudentID Student Name Class of
8. 15050524072 BAGUS KURNIANTO 2015
9. 15050524074 FAISAL ANAS KUNESA 2015
10. 15050524075 RUDHI AGUS UTOMO 2015
11. 15050524084 MAULANA STEVANSYAH 2015
12. 15050524085 SETYANTO DWI IKHWANUDIN 2015
13. 15050524086 VIDYA AYUNINGTYAS 2015