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Komunikasi Pembelajaran
( 16 Sections)
Pengembangan Media Foto
( 16 Sections)

Class Participants in Practice Painting Technology Field Introduction Community - 2014B

No StudentID Student Name Class of
1. 14050524007 MUHAMAD HADI SANTOSO 2014
2. 14050524010 AHMAD ENDRA MUSTAFA 2014
3. 14050524027 MOHAMMAD BAKHRUL ILMI 2014
4. 14050524037 FAJAR CHOIRUN NIDZOMI 2014
5. 14050524038 CHANDRA KURNIA SETYABUDI 2014
6. 14050524041 RENDI BUDIARJO 2014
7. 14050524054 JOKO PURNOMO 2014
No StudentID Student Name Class of
8. 14050524055 PANDU YUDI PUTRA 2014
9. 14050524056 MOCH RIZKY BACHTIAR 2014
10. 14050524058 NURILANWAR 2014
11. 14050524066 SUYETNO 2014
12. 14050524067 FATMA NURFITA SARI 2014
13. 14050524068 DELIA NURUL AFIFAH 2014
14. 14050524084 PANGGIH WAHYU UTOMO 2014