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Class Participants in Soil Mechanics Practicum IAnd - 2013A

No StudentID Student Name Class of
1. 13050724028 DIANSYAH PRATAMA PUTRA 2013
2. 13050724031 YUNITA ELFIRA SARI 2013
3. 13050724032 M. Eriga Firman 2013
4. 13050724037 ERLIS SETIANINGRUM 2013
5. 13050724038 MARIA AJENG SAMSI HEMAR 2013
No StudentID Student Name Class of
6. 13050724040 IKKE YULIA BUDIARTI 2013
7. 13050724056 MUHAMMAD MARFRANKLIN 2013
8. 13050724069 BAYU EKO WAHYUDI 2013
9. 13050724084 KURNIAWAN EKA YUNANTO 2013
10. 13050724085 HARBUDI FAJAR PRATAMA 2013