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( 16 Sections)

Class Participants in English - 2016B

No StudentID Student Name Class of
1. 16070895002 DIAN WAHYUNI 2016
2. 16070895003 KHUSNUL QOTIMAH 2016
3. 16070895004 ADI IKA RACHMAWAN 2016
4. 16070895005 FEBRIANI LUKITASARI 2016
5. 16070895011 HENDRA AGUSVIANTO 2016
6. 16070895012 TAUFIQ MUKHAROMAIN 2016
7. 16070895013 BAGUS DWI CAHYONO 2016
No StudentID Student Name Class of
8. 16070895014 MOH. ROCHMAN WAHID MAULANA 2016
9. 16070895015 CHANDRA AINUR RIZKI 2016
10. 16070895016 NURANI RAHMASARI 2016
11. 16070895024 JUKI IRFANSYAH 2016
12. 16070895026 YONI NILASARI 2016
13. 16070895036 ZAIMA FAIZA HAKIM 2016