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Class Participants in Seminar on Innovation in Education and Learning in Elementary School - 2015C

No StudentID Student Name Class of
1. 157855401 Arif Setiawan 2015
2. 157855402 GUMINAR GALUH ASMORO 2015
3. 157855403 MUKHLISWATIN 2015
4. 157855404 RIRIT BISTYANINGSIH 2015
6. 157855406 TEGUH MULYANA 2015
7. 157855407 SANTI 2015
8. 157855408 SUPRIADI 2015
9. 157855409 ROHMATIN NISA' 2015
10. 157855410 ENDANG SULISTIYA WATI 2015
No StudentID Student Name Class of
11. 157855411 SUIDA SUWANDARI 2015
12. 157855412 AMELIA NURKHASANAH 2015
13. 157855413 TRI YENI ULAN PUSPITASARI 2015
14. 157855414 LULI VIA ALLTAK 2015
15. 157855415 ALI MUSAFA' 2015
16. 157855416 WANDIK 2015
17. 157855417 SA'IN 2015
18. 157855418 RATNA WIJAYANTI 2015
19. 157855419 SUWARDI 2015
20. 157855420 IDA KARUNIA 2015