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Class Participants in Simulation of Physical Systems - 2014A

No StudentID Student Name Class of
1. 12030224216 HIMAWAN EKA APRILLIAN 2012
2. 13030224012 FAJAR KOERNIAWAN 2013
3. 13030224020 IRINE SARASWATI SIREGAR 2013
4. 14030224001 HARUNIA NITA MEISARA 2014
5. 14030224004 DINDA AYU VERJIANTI SARI 2014
6. 14030224006 IMAM SYA'RONI 2014
7. 14030224008 NOFI AMBARSARI 2014
No StudentID Student Name Class of
8. 14030224013 ISNANTO HARIS 2014
9. 14030224016 TRIAS HERNI ZUNI ASTUTI 2014
10. 14030224017 TYA FEBRIANA 2014
11. 14030224020 RONA DWI RAHMAH 2014
12. 14030224032 NURUL AULIA DEWI 2014
13. 14030224041 SAHARA HAMAS INTIFADHAH 2014