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( 16 Sections)

Class Participants in Industrial Robots - 2013A

No StudentID Student Name Class of
1. 13050874004 BAKHTIYAR ARSADA 2013
2. 13050874005 RIZA YULIAN 2013
3. 13050874006 AGUS PRAYONO 2013
4. 13050874013 DIMAS YOGA APRIAWAN 2013
5. 13050874016 ZAKKY ABDIL HAFIDZ AL HABBA 2013
6. 13050874020 PUTHUT GIRI WINOTO 2013
7. 13050874022 RIBHI ATMA IVORY 2013
No StudentID Student Name Class of
8. 13050874023 HIMAWAN 2013
9. 13050874025 MOCH. ANDREYAN ADI PRAKOSO 2013
10. 13050874034 ZAINUL MUKHTAROM 2013
11. 13050874037 BENNY SANTOSO 2013
12. 13050874046 MUKHOFIDHOH 2013
13. 13050874061 ABI WIBISANA PRAKOSO 2013
14. 13050874065 MOHAMMAD RIFKI 2013