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Dany Iman Santoso

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Dany Iman Santoso, S.T., M.T.
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Jadwal mengajar periode 2024/2025 Gasal

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Riwayat Publikasi

No Tahun Judul Artikel Publisher
1. 2024 Rancang bangun angle pad sebagai alat bantu asah pahat bubut untuk menunjang pembelajaran praktik pemesinan di universitas negeri surabaya Jurnal Teknik Mesin Indonesia 19 (1), 21-27
2. 2024 Analysis of Test Items in Motorcycle Engine Maintenance for Vocational High School Students 5th Vocational Education International Conference (VEIC-5 2023), 841-847
3. 2023 Possibility of hydrogen gas as the main fuel for diesel engines: A review 2023 International Conference on Advanced Mechatronics, Intelligent …
4. 2023 The influence of the independent learning curriculum on the lecture process of undergraduate engineering students in Indonesia Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Vocational Education and …
5. 2022 Rancang bangun mesin pemotong serba guna hemat energi penunjang produktifitas UKM kerupuk Otopro, 7-12
6. 2022 Pengembangan Model Evaluasi Pembelajaran Berbasis Obe JP (Jurnal Pendidikan): Teori dan Praktik 7 (1), 8-17
7. 2022 Choux pastry made from fresh eggs: a comparative study between chicken and duck eggs Food Research 6 (2), 271-276
8. 2021 A study of air velocity in a cooling tower that affects the diameter of the droplet Journal of Mechanical Engineering (JMechE) 18 (1), 73-87
9. 2021 Study of the Evaporation Process in the Spray Zone of a Mechanical Draft Wet Cooling Tower. Journal of Engineering & Technological Sciences 53 (2)
10. 2021 Investigation of The Droplet Properties Along Their Trajectory in The Cooling Tower 2021 3rd International Conference on Research and Academic Community …
11. 2020 Optimizing solar dish performance using analytical flux distribution in focal region International Journal of Renewable Energy Development 9 (1), 63
12. 2019 Analisis beban kinerja dosen periode 2012-2016 terhadap pelaksanaan tri dharma pada prodi DIII teknik mesin Journal of Vocational and Technical Education (JVTE) 1 (2), 11-18
13. 2017 Pemilihan parameter pengecatan untuk mendapatkan ketebalan lapisan cat yang tepat untuk permukaan tidak merata Otopro, 82-87
14. 2016 Determination Analysis of Dish Collector Focal Shape in Vertical and Horizontal Direction of Concentrating Solar Power System IPTEK Journal of Proceedings Series 2 (1)
15. 2016 The impacts of water capacity and air capacity to condensation temperature in cooling tower AIP Conference Proceedings 1778 (1)