Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni
Program Studi S1 Sastra Inggris

Kode Dokumen




Rumpun MataKuliah

Bobot Kredit


Tanggal Penyusunan

Analisis Kebutuhan Desa Wisata






22 Februari 2025


Pengembang S.P

Koordinator Rumpun matakuliah

Koordinator Program Studi



Dr. Ali Mustofa, S.S., M.Pd.

Model Pembelajaran

Project Based Learning

Program Learning Outcomes (PLO)

PLO program Studi yang dibebankan pada matakuliah


Mampu menunjukkan nilai-nilai agama, kebangsaan dan budaya nasional, serta etika akademik dalam melaksanakan tugasnya


Menunjukkan karakter tangguh, kolaboratif, adaptif, inovatif, inklusif, belajar sepanjang hayat, dan berjiwa kewirausahaan


Mengembangkan pemikiran logis, kritis, sistematis, dan kreatif dalam melakukan pekerjaan yang spesifik di bidang keahliannya serta sesuai dengan standar kompetensi kerja bidang yang bersangkutan

Program Objectives (PO)

PO - 1

Identify and evaluate the key tourism assets and resources of a village.

PO - 2

Conduct a needs analysis by engaging with local stakeholders and using data collection methods.

PO - 3

Assess the gaps in infrastructure and services within the tourism village and provide practical recommendations.

PO - 4

Present a well-rounded analysis and strategy for improving tourism village development, focusing on long-term sustainability.

Matrik PLO-PO


Matrik PO pada Kemampuan akhir tiap tahapan belajar (Sub-PO)

PO Minggu Ke
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Deskripsi Singkat Mata Kuliah

This course provides students with the knowledge and skills to analyze the needs of tourism villages (desa wisata). It covers identifying key tourism assets, understanding community needs, and assessing infrastructure and service gaps. The course equips students with practical tools to conduct needs assessments, including stakeholder engagement, data collection, and analysis. Students will also learn to develop strategies to address identified needs and enhance the sustainability and attractiveness of tourism villages.


Utama :

  1. Jones, Leo. (2001). Welcome!: English for the Travel and Tourism Industry. Cambridge University Press.
  2. Wyatt, Rawdon. (2007). Check Your English Vocabulary for Leisure, Travel and Tourism (2nd ed.). A&C Black.
  3. Tannen, Deborah. (2007). Talking Voices: Repetition, Dialogue, and Imagery in Conversational Discourse. Cambridge University Press.
  4. Brown, Gillian & Yule, George. (1983). Discourse Analysis. Cambridge University Press

Pendukung :

Dosen Pengampu

Minggu Ke-

Kemampuan akhir tiap tahapan belajar


Bantuk Pembelajaran,

Metode Pembelajaran,

Penugasan Mahasiswa,

 [ Estimasi Waktu]

Materi Pembelajaran

[ Pustaka ]

Bobot Penilaian (%)


Kriteria & Bentuk

Luring (offline)

Daring (online)










Minggu ke 1

Students are able to demonstrate an understanding of key concepts related to tourism village needs analysis, including tourism assets, community needs, and infrastructure gaps.

Identify natural, cultural, and heritage assets of a village.


Fieldwork report on tourism assets, class presentations.

Bentuk Penilaian :
Aktifitas Partisipasif, Penilaian Praktikum
4 X 50

Materi: understanding tourism assets and developing strategies for promoting tourism villages.
Pustaka: Jones, Leo. (2001). Welcome!: English for the Travel and Tourism Industry. Cambridge University Press.


Minggu ke 2

Students are able to demonstrate an understanding of key concepts related to tourism village needs analysis, including tourism assets, community needs, and infrastructure gaps.

Identify natural, cultural, and heritage assets of a village.


Fieldwork report on tourism assets, class presentations.

Bentuk Penilaian :
Aktifitas Partisipasif, Penilaian Praktikum
4 X 50

Materi: understanding tourism assets and developing strategies for promoting tourism villages.
Pustaka: Jones, Leo. (2001). Welcome!: English for the Travel and Tourism Industry. Cambridge University Press.


Minggu ke 3

Students are able to demonstrate an understanding of key concepts related to tourism village needs analysis, including tourism assets, community needs, and infrastructure gaps.

Identify natural, cultural, and heritage assets of a village.


Fieldwork report on tourism assets, class presentations.

Bentuk Penilaian :
Aktifitas Partisipasif, Penilaian Praktikum
4 X 50

Materi: understanding tourism assets and developing strategies for promoting tourism villages.
Pustaka: Jones, Leo. (2001). Welcome!: English for the Travel and Tourism Industry. Cambridge University Press.


Minggu ke 4

Students are able to demonstrate an understanding of key concepts related to tourism village needs analysis, including tourism assets, community needs, and infrastructure gaps.

Identify natural, cultural, and heritage assets of a village.


Fieldwork report on tourism assets, class presentations.

Bentuk Penilaian :
Aktifitas Partisipasif, Penilaian Praktikum
4 X 50

Materi: understanding tourism assets and developing strategies for promoting tourism villages.
Pustaka: Jones, Leo. (2001). Welcome!: English for the Travel and Tourism Industry. Cambridge University Press.


Minggu ke 5

  1. Engage with local stakeholders, including government, community leaders, and residents.
  2. Identify the primary needs and challenges faced by the community.

Stakeholder engagement report and analysis presentation.

Bentuk Penilaian :
Aktifitas Partisipasif, Penilaian Praktikum
4 X 50

Materi: practical vocabulary and terminologies related to tourism and its relations with the stakeholder
Pustaka: Wyatt, Rawdon. (2007). Check Your English Vocabulary for Leisure, Travel and Tourism (2nd ed.). A&C Black.


Minggu ke 6

  1. Engage with local stakeholders, including government, community leaders, and residents.
  2. Identify the primary needs and challenges faced by the community.

Stakeholder engagement report and analysis presentation.

Bentuk Penilaian :
Aktifitas Partisipasif, Penilaian Praktikum, Praktik / Unjuk Kerja
4 X 50

Materi: practical vocabulary and terminologies related to tourism and its relations with the stakeholder
Pustaka: Wyatt, Rawdon. (2007). Check Your English Vocabulary for Leisure, Travel and Tourism (2nd ed.). A&C Black.


Minggu ke 7

  1. Engage with local stakeholders, including government, community leaders, and residents.
  2. Identify the primary needs and challenges faced by the community.

Stakeholder engagement report and analysis presentation.

Bentuk Penilaian :
Aktifitas Partisipasif, Penilaian Praktikum, Praktik / Unjuk Kerja
4 X 50

Materi: practical vocabulary and terminologies related to tourism and its relations with the stakeholder
Pustaka: Wyatt, Rawdon. (2007). Check Your English Vocabulary for Leisure, Travel and Tourism (2nd ed.). A&C Black.


Minggu ke 8

  1. Engage with local stakeholders, including government, community leaders, and residents.
  2. Identify the primary needs and challenges faced by the community.

Stakeholder engagement report and analysis presentation.

Bentuk Penilaian :
Aktifitas Partisipasif, Penilaian Praktikum, Praktik / Unjuk Kerja
4 X 50

Materi: practical vocabulary and terminologies related to tourism and its relations with the stakeholder
Pustaka: Wyatt, Rawdon. (2007). Check Your English Vocabulary for Leisure, Travel and Tourism (2nd ed.). A&C Black.


Minggu ke 9

Students are able to develop strategic recommendations to address the identified needs of a tourism village, focusing on sustainability and community development

Assess the current infrastructure (roads, transportation, accommodations, etc.) and services (hospitality, information, etc.).


Infrastructure analysis report and solution proposal.

Bentuk Penilaian :
Aktifitas Partisipasif
4 X 50

Materi: analyzing stakeholder conversations and understanding communication dynamics during data collection
Pustaka: Tannen, Deborah. (2007). Talking Voices: Repetition, Dialogue, and Imagery in Conversational Discourse. Cambridge University Press.


Minggu ke 10

Students are able to develop strategic recommendations to address the identified needs of a tourism village, focusing on sustainability and community development

Assess the current infrastructure (roads, transportation, accommodations, etc.) and services (hospitality, information, etc.).


Infrastructure analysis report and solution proposal.

Bentuk Penilaian :
Aktifitas Partisipasif
4 X 50

Materi: analyzing stakeholder conversations and understanding communication dynamics during data collection
Pustaka: Tannen, Deborah. (2007). Talking Voices: Repetition, Dialogue, and Imagery in Conversational Discourse. Cambridge University Press.


Minggu ke 11

Students are able to develop strategic recommendations to address the identified needs of a tourism village, focusing on sustainability and community development

Assess the current infrastructure (roads, transportation, accommodations, etc.) and services (hospitality, information, etc.).


Infrastructure analysis report and solution proposal.

Bentuk Penilaian :
Aktifitas Partisipasif
4 X 50

Materi: analyzing stakeholder conversations and understanding communication dynamics during data collection
Pustaka: Tannen, Deborah. (2007). Talking Voices: Repetition, Dialogue, and Imagery in Conversational Discourse. Cambridge University Press.


Minggu ke 12

Students are able to develop strategic recommendations to address the identified needs of a tourism village, focusing on sustainability and community development

Assess the current infrastructure (roads, transportation, accommodations, etc.) and services (hospitality, information, etc.).


Infrastructure analysis report and solution proposal.

Bentuk Penilaian :
Aktifitas Partisipasif
4 X 50

Materi: analyzing stakeholder conversations and understanding communication dynamics during data collection
Pustaka: Tannen, Deborah. (2007). Talking Voices: Repetition, Dialogue, and Imagery in Conversational Discourse. Cambridge University Press.


Minggu ke 13

  1. Develop strategies that address both short-term needs and long-term sustainability.
  2. Integrate community development into the proposed strategies.

presentation and report on tourism village development strategy.

Bentuk Penilaian :
Penilaian Praktikum, Praktik / Unjuk Kerja
4 X 50

Materi: Analyzing spoken and written data collected during needs assessments.
Pustaka: Brown, Gillian & Yule, George. (1983). Discourse Analysis. Cambridge University Press


Minggu ke 14

  1. Develop strategies that address both short-term needs and long-term sustainability.
  2. Integrate community development into the proposed strategies.

presentation and report on tourism village development strategy.

Bentuk Penilaian :
Penilaian Praktikum, Praktik / Unjuk Kerja
4 X 50

Materi: Analyzing spoken and written data collected during needs assessments.
Pustaka: Brown, Gillian & Yule, George. (1983). Discourse Analysis. Cambridge University Press


Minggu ke 15

  1. Develop strategies that address both short-term needs and long-term sustainability.
  2. Integrate community development into the proposed strategies.

presentation and report on tourism village development strategy.

Bentuk Penilaian :
Penilaian Praktikum, Praktik / Unjuk Kerja
4 X 50

Materi: Analyzing spoken and written data collected during needs assessments.
Pustaka: Brown, Gillian & Yule, George. (1983). Discourse Analysis. Cambridge University Press


Minggu ke 16

Final exam

students will select a tourism village and conduct a full needs analysis, including identifying assets, engaging stakeholders, analyzing gaps in infrastructure, and presenting strategic recommendations

  1. Completeness of needs analysis (tourism assets, infrastructure, services, community needs).
  2. Presentation skills and ability to answer questions from peers and lecturers.

Bentuk Penilaian :
Praktik / Unjuk Kerja, Tes
4 X 50


Rekap Persentase Evaluasi : Project Based Learning

No Evaluasi Persentase
1. Aktifitas Partisipasif 43%
2. Penilaian Praktikum 29.5%
3. Praktik / Unjuk Kerja 22%
4. Tes 5.5%


  1. Capaian Pembelajaran Lulusan Program Studi (PLO - Program Studi) adalah kemampuan yang dimiliki oleh setiap lulusan Program Studi yang merupakan internalisasi dari sikap, penguasaan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan sesuai dengan jenjang prodinya yang diperoleh melalui proses pembelajaran.
  2. PLO yang dibebankan pada mata kuliah adalah beberapa capaian pembelajaran lulusan program studi (CPL-Program Studi) yang digunakan untuk pembentukan/pengembangan sebuah mata kuliah yang terdiri dari aspek sikap, ketrampulan umum, ketrampilan khusus dan pengetahuan.
  3. Program Objectives (PO) adalah kemampuan yang dijabarkan secara spesifik dari PLO yang dibebankan pada mata kuliah, dan bersifat spesifik terhadap bahan kajian atau materi pembelajaran mata kuliah tersebut.
  4. Sub-PO Mata kuliah (Sub-PO) adalah kemampuan yang dijabarkan secara spesifik dari PO yang dapat diukur atau diamati dan merupakan kemampuan akhir yang direncanakan pada tiap tahap pembelajaran, dan bersifat spesifik terhadap materi pembelajaran mata kuliah tersebut.
  5. Indikator penilaian kemampuan dalam proses maupun hasil belajar mahasiswa adalah pernyataan spesifik dan terukur yang mengidentifikasi kemampuan atau kinerja hasil belajar mahasiswa yang disertai bukti-bukti.
  6. Kreteria Penilaian adalah patokan yang digunakan sebagai ukuran atau tolok ukur ketercapaian pembelajaran dalam penilaian berdasarkan indikator-indikator yang telah ditetapkan. Kreteria penilaian merupakan pedoman bagi penilai agar penilaian konsisten dan tidak bias. Kreteria dapat berupa kuantitatif ataupun kualitatif.
  7. Bentuk penilaian: tes dan non-tes.
  8. Bentuk pembelajaran: Kuliah, Responsi, Tutorial, Seminar atau yang setara, Praktikum, Praktik Studio, Praktik Bengkel, Praktik Lapangan, Penelitian, Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat dan/atau bentuk pembelajaran lain yang setara.
  9. Metode Pembelajaran: Small Group Discussion, Role-Play & Simulation, Discovery Learning, Self-Directed Learning, Cooperative Learning, Collaborative Learning, Contextual Learning, Project Based Learning, dan metode lainnya yg setara.
  10. Materi Pembelajaran adalah rincian atau uraian dari bahan kajian yg dapat disajikan dalam bentuk beberapa pokok dan sub-pokok bahasan.
  11. Bobot penilaian adalah prosentasi penilaian terhadap setiap pencapaian sub-PO yang besarnya proposional dengan tingkat kesulitan pencapaian sub-PO tsb., dan totalnya 100%.
  12. TM=Tatap Muka, PT=Penugasan terstruktur, BM=Belajar mandiri.