Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni
Program Studi S1 Sastra Inggris
Kode Dokumen |
Course |
Rumpun MataKuliah |
Bobot Kredit |
Tanggal Penyusunan |
Poetry Appreciation &Criticism |
7920203153 |
T=3 |
P=0 |
ECTS=4.77 |
4 |
31 Januari 2025 |
Pengembang S.P |
Koordinator Rumpun matakuliah |
Koordinator Program Studi |
Dr. Ali Mustofa, S.S., M.Pd. |
Model Pembelajaran |
Case Study |
Program Learning Outcomes (PLO)
PLO program Studi yang dibebankan pada matakuliah |
Program Objectives (PO) |
Matrik PLO-PO |
Matrik PO pada Kemampuan akhir tiap tahapan belajar (Sub-PO) |
PO |
Minggu Ke |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
Deskripsi Singkat Mata Kuliah
This course is designed to train students in the art of appreciating poetry. Focuses upon the formal properties of poetry and studies the conventions of the genre as it develops within or across historical periods and/or cultures. The first part of the class will introduce a variety of short poems and educate students in skills necessary for reading and evaluating poetry. They also will learn how to scan lines for meter and rhythm; learn how to analyze in detail to the use of figures of speech such as metaphor, metonymy, personification, allusion and so on; and they also will identify and appreciate techniques of sound and structure for better understanding and appreciating poetry works. The course will modify the method of lecturing, performance, group discussion, question and answer, and peer assessment. |
Utama : |
- Main reading: Kennedy, X. J. and Dana Gioia (2002) An Introduction to Poetry . New York: Longman
- 2. Wolosky, Shira (2001) The Art of Poetry. How to Read A Poem . Oxford: OUP, Inc. Supplementary readings: Altenbernd, Lynn and Lesslie Lewis (1966) A Handbook for the Study of Poetry . London: The Macmillan Company
- Barnett, Sylvan. et al (1995) An Introduction to Literature . New York: HarperCollins College Publishers
- Capella, David and Wormser, Baron (2000) Teaching the Art of Poetry: The Moves . Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates
- Grace, William J (1965) Response to Literature . New York: McGraw-Hill Company
- Holman, Hugh C (1981) A Handbook to Literature . Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merill Educational Publishing
- McMichael (1980) Editor. Anthology of American Literature . New York: Macmillan Publishing Co. Inc.,
- Perrine, Laurence (1977) Sound and Sense: An Introduction to Poetry . New York: New York: Harcourt, Brace Jovanovich, Inc.
- Reaske, Christopher R (1970) The Writer’s Guide to the Study of Literature, New York: Random House
- Rosenthal, M.L. and A. J. M. Smith (1973) Exploring Poetry . New York: The Macmillan Company
- Shaw, Harry (1972) Concise Dictionary of Literary Terms. New York: McGraw-Hill.
- Wayne, Philip (1946) The Heritage of Poetry: English Poems for Chaucer to the Present Day . London: Longmans, Green and Co,
Pendukung : |
Dosen Pengampu
Dr. Much. Koiri, M.Si. Prof. Dra. Pratiwi Retnaningdyah, M.Hum., M.A., Ph.D. Mamik Tri Wedawati, S.S., M.Pd. |
Minggu Ke- |
Kemampuan akhir tiap tahapan belajar
Penilaian |
Bantuk Pembelajaran,
Metode Pembelajaran,
Penugasan Mahasiswa,
[ Estimasi Waktu] |
Materi Pembelajaran
[ Pustaka ] |
Bobot Penilaian (%) |
Indikator |
Kriteria & Bentuk |
Luring (offline) |
Daring (online) |
(1) |
(2) |
(3) |
(4) |
(5) |
(6) |
(7) |
(8) |
Minggu ke 1 |
· To understand and identify the definition and the basic concept of poetry |
- To be able to identify the definition of poetry, read the poetry of “STOPPING BY WOODS ON A SNOWY EVENING”, the ages of poetry To be able to explain what is poetry and the ages of poetry |
- Asking students to prepare today’s material - Discussion, lecture Question-answer 3 X 50 |
0% |
Minggu ke 2 |
To identify and differentiate denotation and connotation |
- To be able to identify and differentiate denotation and connotation in John Donne’s “THE SUN RISING” - To be able to explain denotation and connotation in poetry |
- Reviewing previous topic and asking students to prepare today’s material - Asking students to present their own understanding related to denotation and connotation - Note-taking Question-answer 3 X 50 |
0% |
Minggu ke 3 |
To understand how to paraphrase |
To be able in paraphrasing the poem in John Donne’s “THE SUN RISING” |
- Reviewing previous topic and asking students to prepare today’s material - Asking students to present their own understanding related to the topic - Assigning students for doing task - Confirming students whether they have understood the topic Evaluating the students’ assignment 3 X 50 |
0% |
Minggu ke 4 |
To understand and identify the use of imagery |
- To be able to understand and identify imagery - To be able to explain what is imagery To be able applying the imagery in “A RED, RED ROSE” |
- Reviewing previous topic and asking students to prepare today’s material - Asking students to present their own understanding related to the topic - Note-taking - Question-answer - Assigning students for doing task on imagery - Confirming students whether they have understood the topic Evaluating the students’ assignment 3 X 50 |
0% |
Minggu ke 5 |
To understand and identify the use of imagery |
- To be able to understand and identify imagery - To be able to explain what is imagery To be able applying the imagery in “A RED, RED ROSE” |
- Reviewing previous topic and asking students to prepare today’s material - Asking students to present their own understanding related to the topic - Note-taking - Question-answer - Assigning students for doing task on imagery - Confirming students whether they have understood the topic Evaluating the students’ assignment 3 X 50 |
0% |
Minggu ke 6 |
To identify and understand the theme in the poetry |
To be able to understand and identify theme in E.E. Cummings’ “I CARRY YOUR HEATR WITH ME (I CARRY IT IN)” |
- Reviewing previous topic and asking students to prepare today’s material - Asking students to present their own understanding related to the topic - Note-taking - Question-answer - Assigning students for doing task on imagery - Confirming students whether they have understood the topic Evaluating the students’ assignment 3 X 50 |
0% |
Minggu ke 7 |
Mid Term |
Mid term |
Mid term 3 X 50 |
0% |
Minggu ke 8 |
· To understand and identify figurative language To explain kinds of figurative language |
- To be able to understand and identify figurative language - To be able to analyze figurative language (simile) in Emily Dickinson’s “THERE IS NO FRIGATE LIKE A BOOK” - To be able to analyze figurative language (personification) in William Shakespeare’s “HOW LIKE A WINTER HATH MY ABSENCE BEEN” - To be able to analyze figurative language (hyperbole) in Alfred Lord Tennyson’s “THE EAGLE” - To be able to analyze figurative language (synecdoche) in William Shakespeare’s “SPRING” - To be able to analyze figurative language (paradox) in Richard Lovelace’s “TO LUCASTA, GOING TO THE WARS” To be able to analyze figurative language (symbol) in Robert Frost’s “STOPPING BY WOODS ON A SNOWY EVENING |
- Asking students to prepare today’s material - Asking students to present their own understanding related to the topic - Note-taking - Question-answer - Assigning students for doing task on figurative language - Confirming students whether they have understood the topic Evaluating the students’ assignment 3 X 50 |
0% |
Minggu ke 9 |
0% |
Minggu ke 10 |
0% |
Minggu ke 11 |
0% |
Minggu ke 12 |
0% |
Minggu ke 13 |
0% |
Minggu ke 14 |
0% |
Minggu ke 15 |
0% |
Minggu ke 16 |
0% |