Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni
Program Studi S1 Sastra Inggris

Kode Dokumen




Rumpun MataKuliah

Bobot Kredit


Tanggal Penyusunan

Comparative Literature


Mata Kuliah Pilihan Program Studi





2 September 2024


Pengembang S.P

Koordinator Rumpun matakuliah

Koordinator Program Studi

Dr. Ali Mustofa, S.S, M.Pd

Hujuala Rika Ayu, S.S, M.A

Dr. Ali Mustofa, S.S., M.Pd.

Model Pembelajaran

Case Study

Program Learning Outcomes (PLO)

PLO program Studi yang dibebankan pada matakuliah


Mengembangkan pemikiran logis, kritis, sistematis, dan kreatif dalam melakukan pekerjaan yang spesifik di bidang keahliannya serta sesuai dengan standar kompetensi kerja bidang yang bersangkutan


Mampu memahami, menganalisis, dan menginterpretasikan karya sastra dan non-sastra dalam berbagai genre dan moda komunikasi


Mampu memahami dan mengaplikasikan metode penelitian, termasuk desain penelitian, analisis, dan interpretasi data di bidang bahasa/sastra

Program Objectives (PO)

PO - 1

Students will analyze and compare literary texts from various cultures, identifying key themes and narrative techniques.

PO - 2

Students will apply relevant theoretical frameworks (e.g., postcolonialism, ecocriticism) to interpret literary works.

PO - 3

Students will evaluate the role of literature in addressing social and environmental issues, such as gender equality and climate action.

PO - 4

Students will conduct research on comparative literature topics and effectively communicate their findings through essays and presentations.

PO - 5

Students will reflect on the cultural and ethical implications of literary representations and their impact on society.

Matrik PLO-PO


Matrik PO pada Kemampuan akhir tiap tahapan belajar (Sub-PO)

PO Minggu Ke
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Deskripsi Singkat Mata Kuliah

This course offers an in-depth exploration of literary texts across different cultures, languages, and historical periods, fostering a deeper understanding of global literary traditions and their interconnectedness. By examining a diverse range of texts, students will engage with key themes such as identity, migration, environmental justice, gender equality, and social inequality. The course emphasizes the importance of literature in reflecting and shaping cultural values and addresses contemporary global challenges through the lens of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Students will develop critical thinking and analytical skills through comparative analysis, enabling them to appreciate the nuances of literary expression across different contexts. The course will also include a focus on the ethical responsibilities of literature in addressing global issues, preparing students to contribute to a more just and sustainable world.


Utama :

  1. Damrosch, David. What Is World Literature? Princeton University Press, 2003.
  2. Bassnett, Susan. Comparative Literature: A Critical Introduction. Blackwell, 1993.
  3. Spivak, Gayatri Chakravorty. Death of a Discipline. Columbia University Press, 2003.

Pendukung :

  1. Levine, Caroline. Forms: Whole, Rhythm, Hierarchy, Network. Princeton University Press, 2015.
  2. Heise, Ursula K. Sense of Place and Sense of Planet: The Environmental Imagination of the Global. Oxford University Press, 2008.
  3. Buell, Lawrence. The Environmental Imagination: Thoreau, Nature Writing, and the Formation of American Culture. Harvard University Press, 1995.
  4. Mustofa, Ali. 2021. Boys’ Love Romance in the Realm of Popular Literature: Genre, Motif, and the Future of Romance. Proceedings of the 10th UNNES Virtual International Conference on English Language Teaching, Literature, and Translation, ELTLT 2021, 14-15 August 2021. EUDL

Dosen Pengampu

Minggu Ke-

Kemampuan akhir tiap tahapan belajar


Bantuk Pembelajaran,

Metode Pembelajaran,

Penugasan Mahasiswa,

 [ Estimasi Waktu]

Materi Pembelajaran

[ Pustaka ]

Bobot Penilaian (%)


Kriteria & Bentuk

Luring (offline)

Daring (online)










Minggu ke 1

  1. Students will identify key themes in selected literary texts and interpret how these themes are expressed across different cultural contexts.
  2. Students will compare the narrative techniques used in different literary traditions, assessing how these techniques shape the reader's understanding of the text.
  1. The student accurately identifies key themes in the literary texts.
  2. The student provides a clear and insightful interpretation of how these themes are expressed within and across different cultural contexts.
  3. The student uses specific textual evidence to support their interpretation of the themes.
  1. Accuracy in Identifying Key Themes
  2. Insightfulness of Theme Interpretation
  3. Use of Textual Evidence

Bentuk Penilaian :
Aktifitas Partisipasif, Penilaian Hasil Project / Penilaian Produk, Praktik / Unjuk Kerja, Tes

Materi: Themes and Meanings in Literature
Pustaka: Damrosch, David. What Is World Literature? Princeton University Press, 2003.

Materi: Themes and Ideas in Comparative Literature
Pustaka: Bassnett, Susan. Comparative Literature: A Critical Introduction. Blackwell, 1993.


Minggu ke 2

  1. Students will identify key themes in selected literary texts and interpret how these themes are expressed across different cultural contexts.
  2. Students will compare the narrative techniques used in different literary traditions, assessing how these techniques shape the reader's understanding of the text.
  1. The student accurately identifies key themes in the literary texts.
  2. The student provides a clear and insightful interpretation of how these themes are expressed within and across different cultural contexts.
  3. The student uses specific textual evidence to support their interpretation of the themes.
  1. Accuracy in Identifying Key Themes
  2. Insightfulness of Theme Interpretation
  3. Use of Textual Evidence

Bentuk Penilaian :
Aktifitas Partisipasif, Penilaian Hasil Project / Penilaian Produk, Penilaian Portofolio, Praktik / Unjuk Kerja, Tes

Materi: Themes and Meanings in Literature
Pustaka: Damrosch, David. What Is World Literature? Princeton University Press, 2003.

Materi: Themes and Ideas in Comparative Literature
Pustaka: Bassnett, Susan. Comparative Literature: A Critical Introduction. Blackwell, 1993.


Minggu ke 3

  1. Identify key themes in selected literary texts from various cultures.
  2. Interpret the significance of these themes in different cultural contexts.
  1. Students are able to identify and articulate key themes
  2. Students are able to demonstrate clear interpretation with textual support
  1. Accuracy in theme identification
  2. Depth of interpretation

Materi: American and European CL
Pustaka: Bassnett, Susan. Comparative Literature: A Critical Introduction. Blackwell, 1993.


Minggu ke 4

  1. Identify and describe narrative techniques in selected texts.
  2. Compare how different cultural contexts influence narrative style.

Correct identification and description of narrative techniques; comparative insights.

  1. Clarity in description
  2. effectiveness of comparison.

Bentuk Penilaian :
Aktifitas Partisipasif, Penilaian Hasil Project / Penilaian Produk

Materi: How to Apply Comparative Literature
Pustaka: Bassnett, Susan. Comparative Literature: A Critical Introduction. Blackwell, 1993.


Minggu ke 5

  1. Apply postcolonial theory to analyze the themes of identity and power in literary texts.
  2. Evaluate the impact of colonial history on the representation of culture in literature.
  1. Correct application of theory
  2. Depth of historical analysis.
  1. Theoretical accuracy
  2. historical context understanding.

Bentuk Penilaian :
Aktifitas Partisipasif, Penilaian Hasil Project / Penilaian Produk, Penilaian Portofolio, Tes

Materi: Relevant Literary Text
Pustaka: Spivak, Gayatri Chakravorty. Death of a Discipline. Columbia University Press, 2003.


Minggu ke 6

  1. Apply feminist theory to analyze gender representation in literary texts
  2. Compare the portrayal of gender roles across different cultures.
  1. Understanding of feminist concepts
  2. Comparative analysis of gender representation
  1. Theoretical application
  2. Quality of comparative analysis.

Bentuk Penilaian :
Aktifitas Partisipasif, Penilaian Hasil Project / Penilaian Produk, Penilaian Portofolio, Praktik / Unjuk Kerja

Materi: The Application of Comparative Literature
Pustaka: Spivak, Gayatri Chakravorty. Death of a Discipline. Columbia University Press, 2003.

Materi: Comparative Popular Literature
Pustaka: Mustofa, Ali. 2021. Boys’ Love Romance in the Realm of Popular Literature: Genre, Motif, and the Future of Romance. Proceedings of the 10th UNNES Virtual International Conference on English Language Teaching, Literature, and Translation, ELTLT 2021, 14-15 August 2021. EUDL


Minggu ke 7

  1. Analyze environmental themes in literature using ecocriticism
  2. Evaluate how literature can address ecological concerns.
  1. Understanding of ecocriticism
  2. Ability to connect literature with environmental issues
  1. Theoretical understanding
  2. Relevance of analysis to environmental issues

Bentuk Penilaian :
Aktifitas Partisipasif, Penilaian Hasil Project / Penilaian Produk, Penilaian Portofolio

Materi: Ecology and Green Writings
Pustaka: Buell, Lawrence. The Environmental Imagination: Thoreau, Nature Writing, and the Formation of American Culture. Harvard University Press, 1995.


Minggu ke 8

  1. Analyze environmental themes in literature using ecocriticism
  2. Evaluate how literature can address ecological concerns.
  1. Understanding of ecocriticism
  2. Ability to connect literature with environmental issues
  1. Theoretical understanding
  2. Relevance of analysis to environmental issues
  3. Comparative Essay

Bentuk Penilaian :
Aktifitas Partisipasif, Penilaian Hasil Project / Penilaian Produk, Penilaian Portofolio, Praktik / Unjuk Kerja

Materi: Ecology and Green Writings
Pustaka: Buell, Lawrence. The Environmental Imagination: Thoreau, Nature Writing, and the Formation of American Culture. Harvard University Press, 1995.

Materi: Place and Environment in Literature
Pustaka: Heise, Ursula K. Sense of Place and Sense of Planet: The Environmental Imagination of the Global. Oxford University Press, 2008.

Materi: Green Readings
Pustaka: Buell, Lawrence. The Environmental Imagination: Thoreau, Nature Writing, and the Formation of American Culture. Harvard University Press, 1995.


Minggu ke 9

  1. Analyze different literary forms and their cultural significance.
  2. Compare how different forms (e.g., poetry, prose) express cultural values
  1. Ability to distinguish and compare literary forms
  2. Understanding of cultural context
  1. Clarity of analysis
  2. Depth of cultural understanding

Bentuk Penilaian :
Aktifitas Partisipasif, Penilaian Hasil Project / Penilaian Produk, Penilaian Portofolio

Materi: How CL operates in many different genre
Pustaka: Bassnett, Susan. Comparative Literature: A Critical Introduction. Blackwell, 1993.

Materi: Forms and Structures in CL
Pustaka: Levine, Caroline. Forms: Whole, Rhythm, Hierarchy, Network. Princeton University Press, 2015.


Minggu ke 10

  1. Analyze the role of translation in the global circulation of literature.
  2. Evaluate how cultural meanings shift through translation.
  1. Understanding of translation theory
  2. Analysis of cultural shifts.
  1. Clarity in translation analysis
  2. Depth of cultural insights

Bentuk Penilaian :
Aktifitas Partisipasif, Penilaian Hasil Project / Penilaian Produk

Materi: Literary Translation
Pustaka: Levine, Caroline. Forms: Whole, Rhythm, Hierarchy, Network. Princeton University Press, 2015.

Materi: Translating the World through Literature
Pustaka: Spivak, Gayatri Chakravorty. Death of a Discipline. Columbia University Press, 2003.


Minggu ke 11

  1. Integrate insights from other disciplines (e.g., history, sociology) into literary analysis
  2. Evaluate how interdisciplinary approaches enhance the understanding of literature.
  1. Integration of interdisciplinary perspectives
  2. Originality in analysis
  1. Quality of interdisciplinary integration
  2. Originality of insights

Bentuk Penilaian :
Aktifitas Partisipasif, Penilaian Hasil Project / Penilaian Produk, Penilaian Portofolio

Materi: Interdisciplinarity of Literary Studies
Pustaka: Spivak, Gayatri Chakravorty. Death of a Discipline. Columbia University Press, 2003.

Materi: Interdisciplinary Approach
Pustaka: Buell, Lawrence. The Environmental Imagination: Thoreau, Nature Writing, and the Formation of American Culture. Harvard University Press, 1995.


Minggu ke 12

  1. Analyze how different literary traditions represent cultural identity.
  2. Compare representations of identity across various literary texts
  1. Depth of identity analysis
  2. Quality of cross-cultural comparison
  1. Accuracy in representation analysis
  2. Comparative insights

Bentuk Penilaian :
Aktifitas Partisipasif, Penilaian Hasil Project / Penilaian Produk

Materi: Franz Fanon's essays
Pustaka: Spivak, Gayatri Chakravorty. Death of a Discipline. Columbia University Press, 2003.

Materi: Selected Literart Texts on Identity
Pustaka: Spivak, Gayatri Chakravorty. Death of a Discipline. Columbia University Press, 2003.


Minggu ke 13

  1. Evaluate how literature has been used to advocate for social change
  2. Analyze the ethical implications of literary representations of social issues.
  1. Understanding of literature’s role in social change
  2. Ethical reasoning
  1. Depth of analysis
  2. Quality of ethical reasoning

Bentuk Penilaian :
Aktifitas Partisipasif, Penilaian Hasil Project / Penilaian Produk, Penilaian Portofolio, Tes

Materi: Ethics of CL
Pustaka: Bassnett, Susan. Comparative Literature: A Critical Introduction. Blackwell, 1993.

Materi: Some Relevant Literary Texts
Pustaka: Spivak, Gayatri Chakravorty. Death of a Discipline. Columbia University Press, 2003.


Minggu ke 14

  1. Analyze how literature fosters global citizenship and empathy.
  2. Compare how different cultures use literature to address global issues.
  1. Understanding of global citizenship
  2. Comparative insights on cultural use of literature
  1. Clarity in analysis
  2. Reflective depth

Bentuk Penilaian :
Aktifitas Partisipasif, Penilaian Hasil Project / Penilaian Produk, Penilaian Portofolio

Materi: Selected global literary texts.
Pustaka: Damrosch, David. What Is World Literature? Princeton University Press, 2003.


Minggu ke 15

  1. Create reflective or creative projects that respond to literary texts
  2. Synthesize knowledge and engage imaginatively with literature.
  1. Originality and creativity in project
  2. Synthesis of Literary Analysis
  1. Creativity
  2. Depth of reflective engagement

Bentuk Penilaian :
Aktifitas Partisipasif, Penilaian Hasil Project / Penilaian Produk, Penilaian Portofolio

Materi: Selected creative and reflective texts.
Pustaka: Levine, Caroline. Forms: Whole, Rhythm, Hierarchy, Network. Princeton University Press, 2015.


Minggu ke 16

  1. Evaluate the ethical responsibilities of literature in addressing global issues.
  2. Propose ways in which literary studies can contribute to sustainability and social equity
  1. Ethical understanding
  2. Proposals for sustainability
  1. Ethical reasoning
  2. Relevance and feasibility of proposals

Bentuk Penilaian :
Aktifitas Partisipasif, Penilaian Hasil Project / Penilaian Produk, Penilaian Portofolio

Materi: Selected ethical case studies
Pustaka: Heise, Ursula K. Sense of Place and Sense of Planet: The Environmental Imagination of the Global. Oxford University Press, 2008.

Rekap Persentase Evaluasi : Case Study

No Evaluasi Persentase
1. Aktifitas Partisipasif 31.8%
2. Penilaian Hasil Project / Penilaian Produk 31.8%
3. Penilaian Portofolio 24.8%
4. Praktik / Unjuk Kerja 8.05%
5. Tes 3.55%


  1. Capaian Pembelajaran Lulusan Program Studi (PLO - Program Studi) adalah kemampuan yang dimiliki oleh setiap lulusan Program Studi yang merupakan internalisasi dari sikap, penguasaan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan sesuai dengan jenjang prodinya yang diperoleh melalui proses pembelajaran.
  2. PLO yang dibebankan pada mata kuliah adalah beberapa capaian pembelajaran lulusan program studi (CPL-Program Studi) yang digunakan untuk pembentukan/pengembangan sebuah mata kuliah yang terdiri dari aspek sikap, ketrampulan umum, ketrampilan khusus dan pengetahuan.
  3. Program Objectives (PO) adalah kemampuan yang dijabarkan secara spesifik dari PLO yang dibebankan pada mata kuliah, dan bersifat spesifik terhadap bahan kajian atau materi pembelajaran mata kuliah tersebut.
  4. Sub-PO Mata kuliah (Sub-PO) adalah kemampuan yang dijabarkan secara spesifik dari PO yang dapat diukur atau diamati dan merupakan kemampuan akhir yang direncanakan pada tiap tahap pembelajaran, dan bersifat spesifik terhadap materi pembelajaran mata kuliah tersebut.
  5. Indikator penilaian kemampuan dalam proses maupun hasil belajar mahasiswa adalah pernyataan spesifik dan terukur yang mengidentifikasi kemampuan atau kinerja hasil belajar mahasiswa yang disertai bukti-bukti.
  6. Kreteria Penilaian adalah patokan yang digunakan sebagai ukuran atau tolok ukur ketercapaian pembelajaran dalam penilaian berdasarkan indikator-indikator yang telah ditetapkan. Kreteria penilaian merupakan pedoman bagi penilai agar penilaian konsisten dan tidak bias. Kreteria dapat berupa kuantitatif ataupun kualitatif.
  7. Bentuk penilaian: tes dan non-tes.
  8. Bentuk pembelajaran: Kuliah, Responsi, Tutorial, Seminar atau yang setara, Praktikum, Praktik Studio, Praktik Bengkel, Praktik Lapangan, Penelitian, Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat dan/atau bentuk pembelajaran lain yang setara.
  9. Metode Pembelajaran: Small Group Discussion, Role-Play & Simulation, Discovery Learning, Self-Directed Learning, Cooperative Learning, Collaborative Learning, Contextual Learning, Project Based Learning, dan metode lainnya yg setara.
  10. Materi Pembelajaran adalah rincian atau uraian dari bahan kajian yg dapat disajikan dalam bentuk beberapa pokok dan sub-pokok bahasan.
  11. Bobot penilaian adalah prosentasi penilaian terhadap setiap pencapaian sub-PO yang besarnya proposional dengan tingkat kesulitan pencapaian sub-PO tsb., dan totalnya 100%.
  12. TM=Tatap Muka, PT=Penugasan terstruktur, BM=Belajar mandiri.