Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni
Program Studi S1 Sastra Inggris (Kampus Kabupaten Magetan)

Kode Dokumen




Rumpun MataKuliah

Bobot Kredit


Tanggal Penyusunan

Basic Phonetics


Mata Kuliah Wajib Program Studi





1 September 2024


Pengembang S.P

Koordinator Rumpun matakuliah

Koordinator Program Studi

Ayunita Leliana, S.S., M.Pd.

Cicilia Deandra Maya Putri, S.Hum., M.A.

Lisetyo Ariyanti, S.S., M.Pd.

Model Pembelajaran

Project Based Learning

Program Learning Outcomes (PLO)

PLO program Studi yang dibebankan pada matakuliah


Mengembangkan pemikiran logis, kritis, sistematis, dan kreatif dalam melakukan pekerjaan yang spesifik di bidang keahliannya serta sesuai dengan standar kompetensi kerja bidang yang bersangkutan


Mengembangkan diri secara berkelanjutan dan berkolaborasi.


Mampu menghasilkan karya akademik atau non-akademik dengan baik dalam bentuk lisan maupun tulisan untuk beragam audiens dan tujuan


Mampu mendemonstrasikan kemampuan berbahasa Inggris, yang ditunjukkan dengan pencapaian skor tes kemampuan Bahasa Inggris yang setara dengan minimal CEFR level B2

Program Objectives (PO)

PO - 1

Critically analyze and evaluate the phonetic properties of speech sounds using appropriate terminology and transcription systems (e.g., International Phonetic Alphabet - IPA).

PO - 2

Collaboratively analyze and transcribe diverse speech samples using the International Phonetic Alphabet, demonstrating effective communication of phonetic observations and interpretations within a team setting.

PO - 3

Effective Communication of Phonetic Knowledge

PO - 4

Compose a well-structured written analysis of a phonetic phenomenon, tailoring the content, language, and style for a specific audience (e.g., a research paper for a linguistics journal, a blog post for language enthusiasts).

PO - 5

Deliver clear, well-structured oral presentations and write well-organized, detailed texts on phonetic topics, using appropriate academic vocabulary and grammar structures consistent with CEFR B2 proficiency.

Matrik PLO-PO


Matrik PO pada Kemampuan akhir tiap tahapan belajar (Sub-PO)

PO Minggu Ke
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Deskripsi Singkat Mata Kuliah

This course provides a foundational understanding of the sounds of human language, exploring the mechanisms of speech production and the systems used to transcribe and analyze speech. Students will focus on the intricacies of articulatory phonetics, examine how speech sounds are produced, and learn to use the International Phonetic Alphabet to transcribe and analyze speech data. They will also explore acoustic phonetics, investigating the physical properties of speech sounds. The course adopts a hands-on approach, emphasizing practical application through interactive activities, transcription exercises, and analysis of real-world speech examples. Assessment will be based on a combination of transcription exercises where students have to accurately transcribe and analyze speech samples using the IPA; practical assessments where students have to demonstrate their understanding of articulatory phonetics through sound production exercises; and written exams where students’ knowledge of key phonetic concepts and terminology will be assessed. By the end of the course, students will have a solid foundation in phonetic theory and practical skills essential for various linguistic disciplines.


Utama :

  1. Hancock, Mark. 2003. English Pronunciation in Use: Intermediate. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
  2. Fromkin, V., Rodman, R., Hyams, N. 2014. An Introduction to Language. (10th ed.). Australia: Wadsworth, Cenage Learning.

Pendukung :

  1. Reed, M., & Levis, J. M. (2015). The Handbook of English Pronunciation. UK: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
  2. Piankova, T. (2014). The Pronunciation of English: A Reference and Practice Book. Lulu Publishing Service.
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l4eby6lbtEI (parts of speech organs)
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h4yrIuCE6UM (English consonants)

Dosen Pengampu

Imam Hanafi, S.S., M.App.Ling.

Cicilia Deandra Maya Putri, S.Hum., M.A.

Minggu Ke-

Kemampuan akhir tiap tahapan belajar


Bantuk Pembelajaran,

Metode Pembelajaran,

Penugasan Mahasiswa,

 [ Estimasi Waktu]

Materi Pembelajaran

[ Pustaka ]

Bobot Penilaian (%)


Kriteria & Bentuk

Luring (offline)

Daring (online)










Minggu ke 1

  1. Utilize visual aids (e.g., diagrams of the vocal tract, spectrograms) to effectively communicate phonetic information and enhance understanding.
  2. Define and accurately use key phonetic terms (e.g., vowel, consonant, phoneme, allophone, syllable, stress) in both oral and written communication.
  3. Explain basic phonetic concepts and principles (e.g., articulatory features, the IPA chart, coarticulation) to an audience unfamiliar with phonetics, using clear and accessible language.
  1. To match the images and the names
  2. To identify the articulators involved in consonants and vowels production
  3. To identify the differences between English language and Bahasa Indonesia
  1. Students are able to point out the articulators
  2. Students are able to reveal the differences between English language and Bahasa Indonesia

Bentuk Penilaian :
Aktifitas Partisipasif, Penilaian Hasil Project / Penilaian Produk
Lecturing dan Discovery learning
200 menit

Materi: Organs of speech
Pustaka: Fromkin, V., Rodman, R., Hyams, N. 2014. An Introduction to Language. (10th ed.). Australia: Wadsworth, Cenage Learning.

Materi: Organs of speech
Pustaka: https://www.youtube.com/...... (parts of speech organs)

Materi: English language characteristics vs Bahasa Indonesia's
Pustaka: Fromkin, V., Rodman, R., Hyams, N. 2014. An Introduction to Language. (10th ed.). Australia: Wadsworth, Cenage Learning.


Minggu ke 2

  1. Utilize visual aids (e.g., diagrams of the vocal tract, spectrograms) to effectively communicate phonetic information and enhance understanding.
  2. Define and accurately use key phonetic terms (e.g., vowel, consonant, phoneme, allophone, syllable, stress) in both oral and written communication.
  3. Explain basic phonetic concepts and principles (e.g., articulatory features, the IPA chart, coarticulation) to an audience unfamiliar with phonetics, using clear and accessible language.
  1. To match the images and the names
  2. To identify the articulators involved in consonants and vowels production
  3. To identify the differences between English language and Bahasa Indonesia
  1. Students are able to point out the articulators
  2. Students are able to reveal the differences between English language and Bahasa Indonesia

Bentuk Penilaian :
Penilaian Hasil Project / Penilaian Produk
Lecturing dan Discovery learning
200 menit

Materi: Organs of speech
Pustaka: Fromkin, V., Rodman, R., Hyams, N. 2014. An Introduction to Language. (10th ed.). Australia: Wadsworth, Cenage Learning.

Materi: Organs of speech
Pustaka: https://www.youtube.com/...... (parts of speech organs)

Materi: English language characteristics vs Bahasa Indonesia's
Pustaka: Fromkin, V., Rodman, R., Hyams, N. 2014. An Introduction to Language. (10th ed.). Australia: Wadsworth, Cenage Learning.


Minggu ke 3

  1. Identify and describe the articulatory features (place, manner, voicing) of English consonants and vowels.
  2. Define and accurately use key phonetic terms (e.g., vowel, consonant, phoneme, allophone, syllable, stress) in both oral and written communication.
  3. Explain basic phonetic concepts and principles (e.g., articulatory features, the IPA chart, coarticulation) to an audience unfamiliar with phonetics, using clear and accessible language.
  4. Structure oral presentations logically, using clear introductions, transitions, and conclusions to guide the listener.
  1. To identify the consonants in the provided English words
  2. To label the identified English consonants
  1. Participation and Activity
  2. Creativity and Originality

Bentuk Penilaian :
Aktifitas Partisipasif, Penilaian Hasil Project / Penilaian Produk, Penilaian Portofolio
Self-directed learning
300 menit

Materi: English Consonants: Unit 3-5, 8-10, 12,13,15, and 17
Pustaka: Hancock, Mark. 2003. English Pronunciation in Use: Intermediate. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Materi: English consonants
Pustaka: https://www.youtube.com/... (English consonants)


Minggu ke 4

  1. Identify and describe the articulatory features (place, manner, voicing) of English consonants and vowels.
  2. Constructively contribute to group decision-making processes when transcribing and analyzing speech samples, considering and incorporating diverse perspectives.
  3. Define and accurately use key phonetic terms (e.g., vowel, consonant, phoneme, allophone, syllable, stress) in both oral and written communication.
  1. To identify the vowels in the provided English words
  2. To label the identified English vowels
  1. Participation and Activity
  2. Creativity and Originality
  3. Portofolio Profile

Bentuk Penilaian :
Aktifitas Partisipasif, Penilaian Hasil Project / Penilaian Produk
Small group discussion
200 menit

Materi: Vowels: The production of vowels (nasalization, tense vs lax vowels, diacritics)
Pustaka: Hancock, Mark. 2003. English Pronunciation in Use: Intermediate. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press


Minggu ke 5

  1. Constructively contribute to group decision-making processes when transcribing and analyzing speech samples, considering and incorporating diverse perspectives.
  2. Define and accurately use key phonetic terms (e.g., vowel, consonant, phoneme, allophone, syllable, stress) in both oral and written communication.

To be able to produce English diphthongs


Students are able to articulate English diphthongs on the isolated words accurately.

Bentuk Penilaian :
Aktifitas Partisipasif, Penilaian Hasil Project / Penilaian Produk
Small group discussion
200 menit

Materi: English diphthongs: units 2, 11, 14, 16 and 20
Pustaka: Hancock, Mark. 2003. English Pronunciation in Use: Intermediate. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press


Minggu ke 6

  1. Accurately transcribe English words and phrases using the International Phonetic Alphabet.
  2. Interpret and explain phonetic transcriptions using the International Phonetic Alphabet, accurately conveying pronunciation differences.
  3. Create clear and accurate phonetic transcriptions of spoken language using the IPA, demonstrating attention to detail and consistency.

To demonstrate the transcription of written text (spelling correspondence) into phonetic symbols and vice versa

  1. Students are able to read the transcription.
  2. Students are able to transcribe the English text.

Bentuk Penilaian :
Aktifitas Partisipasif, Penilaian Hasil Project / Penilaian Produk
Small group discussion
300 menit

Materi: Phonemic symbols
Pustaka: Hancock, Mark. 2003. English Pronunciation in Use: Intermediate. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press


Minggu ke 7

  1. Define and accurately use key phonetic terms (e.g., vowel, consonant, phoneme, allophone, syllable, stress) in both oral and written communication.
  2. Utilize visual aids (e.g., diagrams of the vocal tract, spectrograms) to effectively communicate phonetic information and enhance understanding.
  3. Identify and accurately describe a phonetic phenomenon (e.g., assimilation, vowel reduction, intonation patterns) using appropriate phonetic terminology and concepts.
  4. Analyze the phonetic features of a speech sound or phenomenon, drawing upon knowledge of articulatory phonetics (place, manner, voicing) and/or acoustic phonetics (formants, spectrograms).
  1. To identify the syllables of English words
  2. To demonstrate the correct pronunciation of weak and strong forms of words
  1. Students are able to separate the English words based on their syllables
  2. Students are able to pronounce the English words accurately.

Bentuk Penilaian :
Aktifitas Partisipasif, Penilaian Hasil Project / Penilaian Produk
Small group discussion
300 menit

Materi: Pronounciation practice
Pustaka: Hancock, Mark. 2003. English Pronunciation in Use: Intermediate. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press


Minggu ke 8

  1. Identify and accurately describe a phonetic phenomenon (e.g., assimilation, vowel reduction, intonation patterns) using appropriate phonetic terminology and concepts.
  2. Analyze the phonetic features of a speech sound or phenomenon, drawing upon knowledge of articulatory phonetics (place, manner, voicing) and/or acoustic phonetics (formants, spectrograms).

To be able to response the problems correctly


Students are able to master the materials discussed on the previous meetings

Bentuk Penilaian :
Aktifitas Partisipasif, Penilaian Hasil Project / Penilaian Produk
Individual task
100 menit

Materi: Section A
Pustaka: Hancock, Mark. 2003. English Pronunciation in Use: Intermediate. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press


Minggu ke 9

  1. Identify and accurately describe a phonetic phenomenon (e.g., assimilation, vowel reduction, intonation patterns) using appropriate phonetic terminology and concepts.
  2. Analyze the phonetic features of a speech sound or phenomenon, drawing upon knowledge of articulatory phonetics (place, manner, voicing) and/or acoustic phonetics (formants, spectrograms).

To be able to identify the types of the syllables


Students are able to identify the types of the syllables

Bentuk Penilaian :
Penilaian Hasil Project / Penilaian Produk
Small group discussion
200 menit

Materi: Syllables: units 24-27
Pustaka: Hancock, Mark. 2003. English Pronunciation in Use: Intermediate. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press


Minggu ke 10

  1. Engage actively and respectfully in group discussions about phonetic transcription and analysis, demonstrating effective listening and communication skills.
  2. Constructively contribute to group decision-making processes when transcribing and analyzing speech samples, considering and incorporating diverse perspectives.
  3. Define and accurately use key phonetic terms (e.g., vowel, consonant, phoneme, allophone, syllable, stress) in both oral and written communication.

To be able to identify the stress of isolated words


Students are able to pronounce isolated words accurately

Bentuk Penilaian :
Penilaian Hasil Project / Penilaian Produk
Small group discussion
200 menit

Materi: Word stress: units 28-31
Pustaka: Hancock, Mark. 2003. English Pronunciation in Use: Intermediate. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press


Minggu ke 11

  1. Engage actively and respectfully in group discussions about phonetic transcription and analysis, demonstrating effective listening and communication skills.
  2. Constructively contribute to group decision-making processes when transcribing and analyzing speech samples, considering and incorporating diverse perspectives.
  3. Define and accurately use key phonetic terms (e.g., vowel, consonant, phoneme, allophone, syllable, stress) in both oral and written communication.

To be able to identify the stress of the sentences


Students are able to pronounce isolated words accurately

Bentuk Penilaian :
Aktifitas Partisipasif, Penilaian Hasil Project / Penilaian Produk
Small group discussion
200 menit

Materi: Sentence stress: units 32-36
Pustaka: Hancock, Mark. 2003. English Pronunciation in Use: Intermediate. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press


Minggu ke 12

  1. Engage actively and respectfully in group discussions about phonetic transcription and analysis, demonstrating effective listening and communication skills.
  2. Constructively contribute to group decision-making processes when transcribing and analyzing speech samples, considering and incorporating diverse perspectives.
  3. Define and accurately use key phonetic terms (e.g., vowel, consonant, phoneme, allophone, syllable, stress) in both oral and written communication.

To be able to identify the stress of the sentences


Students are able to pronounce isolated words accurately

Bentuk Penilaian :
Aktifitas Partisipasif, Penilaian Hasil Project / Penilaian Produk
Small group discussion
200 menit

Materi: Sentence stress: units 37-40
Pustaka: Hancock, Mark. 2003. English Pronunciation in Use: Intermediate. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press


Minggu ke 13

  1. Engage actively and respectfully in group discussions about phonetic transcription and analysis, demonstrating effective listening and communication skills.
  2. Constructively contribute to group decision-making processes when transcribing and analyzing speech samples, considering and incorporating diverse perspectives.
  3. Define and accurately use key phonetic terms (e.g., vowel, consonant, phoneme, allophone, syllable, stress) in both oral and written communication.

To be able to identify the stress of the sentences


Students are able to pronounce isolated words accurately

Bentuk Penilaian :
Aktifitas Partisipasif, Penilaian Hasil Project / Penilaian Produk, Penilaian Portofolio
Small group discussion
200 menit

Materi: Conversation
Pustaka: Hancock, Mark. 2003. English Pronunciation in Use: Intermediate. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press


Minggu ke 14

  1. Engage actively and respectfully in group discussions about phonetic transcription and analysis, demonstrating effective listening and communication skills.
  2. Constructively contribute to group decision-making processes when transcribing and analyzing speech samples, considering and incorporating diverse perspectives.
  3. Define and accurately use key phonetic terms (e.g., vowel, consonant, phoneme, allophone, syllable, stress) in both oral and written communication.

To be able to identify the stress of the sentences


Students are able to pronounce isolated words accurately

Bentuk Penilaian :
Aktifitas Partisipasif, Penilaian Hasil Project / Penilaian Produk, Penilaian Portofolio, Praktik / Unjuk Kerja
Small group discussion
200 menit

Materi: Conversation
Pustaka: Hancock, Mark. 2003. English Pronunciation in Use: Intermediate. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press


Minggu ke 15

  1. Structure oral presentations logically, using clear introductions, transitions, and conclusions to guide the listener.
  2. Present phonetic information clearly and concisely, using appropriate pacing, intonation, and pronunciation.
  3. Use visual aids (e.g., diagrams, charts, IPA transcriptions) effectively to enhance understanding and engagement during presentations.
  4. Write clear, well-organized texts on phonetic topics, using appropriate paragraphing, topic sentences, and transitions to guide the reader.
  5. Demonstrate accurate pronunciation of phonetic terminology and other academic vocabulary during both oral and written communication.
  1. Being able to perform oral presentation clearly
  2. Being able to present phonetic information clearly and concisely

Students have clear direction to accomplish their group projects

Bentuk Penilaian :
Aktifitas Partisipasif, Penilaian Hasil Project / Penilaian Produk
Small group discussion
100 menit

Materi: All material
Pustaka: Hancock, Mark. 2003. English Pronunciation in Use: Intermediate. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press


Minggu ke 16

  1. Structure oral presentations logically, using clear introductions, transitions, and conclusions to guide the listener.
  2. Present phonetic information clearly and concisely, using appropriate pacing, intonation, and pronunciation.
  3. Use visual aids (e.g., diagrams, charts, IPA transcriptions) effectively to enhance understanding and engagement during presentations.
  4. Write clear, well-organized texts on phonetic topics, using appropriate paragraphing, topic sentences, and transitions to guide the reader.
  5. Demonstrate accurate pronunciation of phonetic terminology and other academic vocabulary during both oral and written communication.
  1. To be able to explain the concept of English language
  2. To be able to speak in English accurately

Students are able to speak in English accurately

Bentuk Penilaian :
Aktifitas Partisipasif, Penilaian Hasil Project / Penilaian Produk
Project-based learning
400 menit

Materi: Conversation
Pustaka: Hancock, Mark. 2003. English Pronunciation in Use: Intermediate. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Rekap Persentase Evaluasi : Project Based Learning

No Evaluasi Persentase
1. Aktifitas Partisipasif 43.84%
2. Penilaian Hasil Project / Penilaian Produk 51.84%
3. Penilaian Portofolio 2.84%
4. Praktik / Unjuk Kerja 0.5%


  1. Capaian Pembelajaran Lulusan Program Studi (PLO - Program Studi) adalah kemampuan yang dimiliki oleh setiap lulusan Program Studi yang merupakan internalisasi dari sikap, penguasaan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan sesuai dengan jenjang prodinya yang diperoleh melalui proses pembelajaran.
  2. PLO yang dibebankan pada mata kuliah adalah beberapa capaian pembelajaran lulusan program studi (CPL-Program Studi) yang digunakan untuk pembentukan/pengembangan sebuah mata kuliah yang terdiri dari aspek sikap, ketrampulan umum, ketrampilan khusus dan pengetahuan.
  3. Program Objectives (PO) adalah kemampuan yang dijabarkan secara spesifik dari PLO yang dibebankan pada mata kuliah, dan bersifat spesifik terhadap bahan kajian atau materi pembelajaran mata kuliah tersebut.
  4. Sub-PO Mata kuliah (Sub-PO) adalah kemampuan yang dijabarkan secara spesifik dari PO yang dapat diukur atau diamati dan merupakan kemampuan akhir yang direncanakan pada tiap tahap pembelajaran, dan bersifat spesifik terhadap materi pembelajaran mata kuliah tersebut.
  5. Indikator penilaian kemampuan dalam proses maupun hasil belajar mahasiswa adalah pernyataan spesifik dan terukur yang mengidentifikasi kemampuan atau kinerja hasil belajar mahasiswa yang disertai bukti-bukti.
  6. Kreteria Penilaian adalah patokan yang digunakan sebagai ukuran atau tolok ukur ketercapaian pembelajaran dalam penilaian berdasarkan indikator-indikator yang telah ditetapkan. Kreteria penilaian merupakan pedoman bagi penilai agar penilaian konsisten dan tidak bias. Kreteria dapat berupa kuantitatif ataupun kualitatif.
  7. Bentuk penilaian: tes dan non-tes.
  8. Bentuk pembelajaran: Kuliah, Responsi, Tutorial, Seminar atau yang setara, Praktikum, Praktik Studio, Praktik Bengkel, Praktik Lapangan, Penelitian, Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat dan/atau bentuk pembelajaran lain yang setara.
  9. Metode Pembelajaran: Small Group Discussion, Role-Play & Simulation, Discovery Learning, Self-Directed Learning, Cooperative Learning, Collaborative Learning, Contextual Learning, Project Based Learning, dan metode lainnya yg setara.
  10. Materi Pembelajaran adalah rincian atau uraian dari bahan kajian yg dapat disajikan dalam bentuk beberapa pokok dan sub-pokok bahasan.
  11. Bobot penilaian adalah prosentasi penilaian terhadap setiap pencapaian sub-PO yang besarnya proposional dengan tingkat kesulitan pencapaian sub-PO tsb., dan totalnya 100%.
  12. TM=Tatap Muka, PT=Penugasan terstruktur, BM=Belajar mandiri.