Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Fakultas Ekonomika dan Bisnis
Program Studi S1 Ekonomi Islam
Kode Dokumen |
Course |
Rumpun MataKuliah |
Bobot Kredit |
Tanggal Penyusunan |
Pengantar Bisnis dan Manajemen Islam |
6020203121 |
Mata Kuliah Wajib Program Studi |
T=3 |
P=0 |
ECTS=4.77 |
1 |
30 Januari 2025 |
Pengembang S.P |
Koordinator Rumpun matakuliah |
Koordinator Program Studi |
Fitriah Dwi Susilowati, S.Sos., M.SM.
Dr. Ahmad Ajib Ridlwan, S.Pd., M.SEI.
Dr. Ahmad Ajib Ridlwan, S.Pd., M.SEI. |
Model Pembelajaran |
Case Study |
Program Learning Outcomes (PLO)
PLO program Studi yang dibebankan pada matakuliah |
PLO-2 |
Menunjukkan karakter tangguh, kolaboratif, adaptif, inovatif, inklusif, belajar sepanjang hayat, dan berjiwa kewirausahaan |
PLO-3 |
Mengembangkan pemikiran logis, kritis, sistematis, dan kreatif dalam melakukan pekerjaan yang spesifik di bidang keahliannya serta sesuai dengan standar kompetensi kerja bidang yang bersangkutan |
PLO-5 |
Menguasai konsep teoritis bidang Ekonomi Islam, Bisnis Islam dan Keuangan Islam secara umum dan khusus untuk menyelesaikan masalah secara prosedural sesuai dengan lingkup pekerjaannya. |
PLO-8 |
Mampu mendesain dan mengimplementasikan perencanaan bisnis yang sesuai dengan konsep Islam. |
Program Objectives (PO) |
PO - 1 |
Mampu menguasai teori Pengantar Bisnis dan Manajemen Islam secara menyeluruh
PO - 2 |
Mampu menyelesaikan tugas secara bertanggung jawab dan beretika
PO - 3 |
Mampu menerapkan teori tentang Pengantar Bisnis dan Manajemen Islam
PO - 4 |
Mampu mengomunikasikan alternatif hasil penyelesaian masalah yang berkaitan dengan Bisnis dan Manajemen Islam
Matrik PLO-PO |
PO | PLO-2 | PLO-3 | PLO-5 | PLO-8 | PO-1 | | ✔ | | | PO-2 | ✔ | | | | PO-3 | | | ✔ | | PO-4 | | | | ✔ |
Matrik PO pada Kemampuan akhir tiap tahapan belajar (Sub-PO) |
PO |
Minggu Ke |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
PO-1 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | PO-2 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | PO-3 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | PO-4 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Deskripsi Singkat Mata Kuliah
This course covers the basic concepts of business and management based on Sharia (Islamic Values) perspective. In this course, students are expected to be able to describe introductory business and management concepts, the development of business and management theory, the organizational environment, Islamic business ethics, be able to identify management functions, be able to define motivation and leadership, be able to explain management information systems, and be able to analyze and solve problems related to risk and conflict management. The teaching methods used in this course are Case Study, Problem Based Learning, and Lecture Course. |
Utama : |
- Nickels WG, Mchugh JM, Mchugh SM. William G. Nickels, James McHugh, Susan McHugh. (2018). Understanding Business. McGraw-Hill Education
- Jane, B. (2019). Business in Context: An Introduction to Business and its Environment. Cengage Learning, Inc.
- Hafidhuddin, Didin and Tanjung. (2019). Introduction to Sharia Management. Depok: Rajawali Press.
- Syarifuddin dkk Sakirah. (2021). Pengantar Bisnis Islam. Widina Bhakti Persada.
- William Nickels, J. M. and S. M. (2022) Understanding Business, 13th Edition. McGraw Hill.
- Louis E. Boone, David L. Kurtz, B. C. (2019) Contemporary Business 19th Edition. Wiley.
- Purwanto, E. (2020). Pengantar bisnis: Era revolusi industri 4.0
- William M Pride (2018) Foundation of Business. South Western Educational Publishing
Pendukung : |
Dosen Pengampu
Dr. Ahmad Ajib Ridlwan, S.Pd., M.SEI. Dr. Khusnul Fikriyah, S.E., M.SEI. Yan Putra Timur, S.M., M.SEI. Dr. Azidni Rofiqo, S.E.I., M.E. Fitriah Dwi Susilowati, S.Sos., M.SM. MUHAMMAD WIDYARTA WIJAYA |
Minggu Ke- |
Kemampuan akhir tiap tahapan belajar
Penilaian |
Bantuk Pembelajaran,
Metode Pembelajaran,
Penugasan Mahasiswa,
[ Estimasi Waktu] |
Materi Pembelajaran
[ Pustaka ] |
Bobot Penilaian (%) |
Indikator |
Kriteria & Bentuk |
Luring (offline) |
Daring (online) |
(1) |
(2) |
(3) |
(4) |
(5) |
(6) |
(7) |
(8) |
Minggu ke 1 |
Students are able to study about business and business concept in globalization era |
- Business Concept
- Business in Globalization Era
- Assessment rubric
- - Participatory Activities
Bentuk Penilaian : Aktifitas Partisipasif |
Luring 150 menit |
Materi: 1. Nickels WG, Mchugh JM, Mchugh SM. William G. Nickels, James McHugh, Susan McHugh. (2018). Understanding Business. McGraw-Hill Education Pustaka: Materi: 2. Jane, B. (2019). Business in Context: An Introduction to Business and its Environment. Cengage Learning, Inc. Pustaka: Materi: 3. Hafidhuddin, Didin and Tanjung. (2019). Introduction to Sharia Management. Depok: Rajawali Press. Pustaka: Materi: 4. Syarifuddin dkk Sakirah. (2021). Pengantar Bisnis Islam. Widina Bhakti Persada. Pustaka: |
2% |
Minggu ke 2 |
Students are able to study about management concept in globalization era |
- 1. Students are able to define and describe about management concept
- 2. Students are able to analyze management development in globalization era
- Assessment rubric
- - Participatory Activities
Bentuk Penilaian : Aktifitas Partisipasif |
Luring 150 |
Materi: management concept in globalization era Pustaka: |
3% |
Minggu ke 3 |
Students are able to distinguish the characteristics of each type of business with its business scale and form of business entity |
- 1. Explain the types of business (manufacturing, services and trade)
- 2. Explain the criteria for micro business scale, small, medium and large companies
- 3. Explain the existing forms of business entities (individual, CV, PT, Firma, NV, Cooperative, Joint Venture, Leasing, Merger, Franchise
- 4. Identify advantages and disadvantages from each form of Business Entity
- 5. Explain the concept of entrepreneurship: Goals, Benefits, Importance, Characteristics of Entrepreneurship, Advantages and Disadvantages of Entrepreneurship
- 6. Internal and external organizational factors that do not directly affect the organization.
- 7. Environmental management and environmental relations with organizations.
- Assessment rubric
- - Participatory Activities
- In accordance with the assessment guidelines / rubric
Bentuk Penilaian : Aktifitas Partisipasif |
Luring 150 |
Materi: 1. Type and form of business entity Pustaka: Materi: 2. Scale and groups of small, medium and large companies based on their conditions and characteristics Pustaka: Materi: 3. Concept of entrepreneurship Pustaka: Materi: 4. Internal and external organizational factors Pustaka: Materi: 5. Environmental management and environmental relations with organization Pustaka: |
5% |
Minggu ke 4 |
Students are able to identify component of business plan and strategic management planning |
- 1. Students are able to define entrepreneur concept
- 2. Students are able to identify steps of starting a business
- 3. Students are able to define the concept of business plan
- 4. Students are able to identify the importance of making business plan
- 5. Students are able to design business plan components, including: Vision, mission, purpose of business, and business target.
- 6. Students are able to make Strategic planning and management, Formal Planning Process.
- Assessment rubric
- Portofolio Assessment
Bentuk Penilaian : Aktifitas Partisipasif |
Luring 150 |
Luring 150 |
Materi: Hafidhuddin, Didin and Tanjung. (2019). Introduction to Sharia Management. Depok: Rajawali Press. Pustaka: Materi: Syarifuddin dkk Sakirah. (2021). Pengantar Bisnis Islam. Widina Bhakti Persada. Pustaka: Materi: Nickels WG, Mchugh JM, Mchugh SM. William G. Nickels, James McHugh, Susan McHugh. (2018). Understanding Business. McGraw-Hill Education Pustaka: |
5% |
Minggu ke 5 |
Students able to Understand the concept of Islamic Business and Management Ethics, and organization culture |
- 1. Explain the concept of ethics and norms in general.
- 2. Explain the concept of business ethics
- 3. Explain the components of Business Ethics
- 4. Explain the concept of Corporate social responsibility (CSR)
- 5. Grouping CSR practice models
- 6. Analyzing the Company's CSR practices small, medium and large
- 7. Students are able to explain Organizational/Management Culture, Characteristics of Organizational Culture, Benefits of Corporate Culture
- 8. Students understand Corporate Social Responsibility, Importance of Corporate Social Responsibility.
Assessment rubric Bentuk Penilaian : Aktifitas Partisipasif |
luring 150 |
Luring 150 |
Materi: 2. Jane, B. (2019). Business in Context: An Introduction to Business and its Environment. Cengage Learning, Inc. Pustaka: Materi: 3. Hafidhuddin, Didin and Tanjung. (2019). Introduction to Sharia Management. Depok: Rajawali Press. Pustaka: Materi: Syarifuddin dkk Sakirah. (2021). Pengantar Bisnis Islam. Widina Bhakti Persada. Pustaka: Materi: Louis E. Boone, David L. Kurtz, B. C. (2019) Contemporary Business 19th Edition. Wiley. Pustaka: |
2% |
Minggu ke 6 |
Able to explain the meaning of planning, planning function, planning process. Describe the meaning of planning, planning function, and planning processes |
- Partisipatory Assessment
- Explain Strategic Planning and Management
- Explain the Formal Planning Process
- Explain the development of strategy concepts
- Describe the Levels of Strategy
In accordance with the assessment guidelines / rubric Bentuk Penilaian : Aktifitas Partisipasif |
Luring 150 |
Materi: Nickels WG, Mchugh JM, Mchugh SM. William G. Nickels, James McHugh, Susan McHugh. (2018). Understanding Business. McGraw-Hill Education Pustaka: Materi: Jane, B. (2019). Business in Context: An Introduction to Business and its Environment. Cengage Learning, Inc. Pustaka: Materi: Hafidhuddin, Didin and Tanjung. (2019). Introduction to Sharia Management. Depok: Rajawali Press. Pustaka: Materi: Syarifuddin dkk Sakirah. (2021). Pengantar Bisnis Islam. Widina Bhakti Persada. Pustaka: |
3% |
Minggu ke 7 |
Able to explain the process of organization, coordination and management range. |
- Partisipatory Assessment
- Explain the importance of the organizing process, organizational structure, division of work, formal charts
- Identify the types of Departmentalization
- Examining the Importance of coordination, Achieving effective coordination
- Explain the Coordination Mechanism and Range of Management
In accordance with the assessment guidelines / rubric Bentuk Penilaian : Aktifitas Partisipasif |
Luring 150 |
Materi: Nickels WG, Mchugh JM, Mchugh SM. William G. Nickels, James McHugh, Susan McHugh. (2018). Understanding Business. McGraw-Hill Education Pustaka: Materi: Jane, B. (2019). Business in Context: An Introduction to Business and its Environment. Cengage Learning, Inc. Pustaka: Materi: Hafidhuddin, Didin and Tanjung. (2019). Introduction to Sharia Management. Depok: Rajawali Press. Pustaka: Materi: Syarifuddin dkk Sakirah. (2021). Pengantar Bisnis Islam. Widina Bhakti Persada. Pustaka: |
5% |
Minggu ke 8 |
Mid Examanation |
- Business Concept
- Organization Concept
- Business Form
- Islamic Business Ethics
Rubrik Penilaian Bentuk Penilaian : Tes |
Luring 120 menit |
Luring 120 menit |
Materi: 1. Nickels WG, Mchugh JM, Mchugh SM. William G. Nickels, James McHugh, Susan McHugh. (2018). Understanding Business. McGraw-Hill Education Pustaka: Materi: 2. Jane, B. (2019). Business in Context: An Introduction to Business and its Environment. Cengage Learning, Inc. Pustaka: Materi: 3. Hafidhuddin, Didin and Tanjung. (2019). Introduction to Sharia Management. Depok: Rajawali Press. Pustaka: Materi: 4. Syarifuddin dkk Sakirah. (2021). Pengantar Bisnis Islam. Widina Bhakti Persada. Pustaka: |
15% |
Minggu ke 9 |
Students are able to make SWOT analysis |
- explain the concept of SWOT Analysis
- Determining the stages of creating SWOT Analysis
- identifying the strenghts and weakness of the company's internal environment
- identifying opportunities and threats from the company's external environment
Rubrik Penilaian Bentuk Penilaian : Aktifitas Partisipasif |
Lectures, discussion, case analysis 3 x 60 |
Materi: Nickels WG, Mchugh JM, Mchugh SM. William G. Nickels, James McHugh, Susan McHugh. (2018). Understanding Business. McGraw-Hill Education Pustaka: Materi: Jane, B. (2019). Business in Context: An Introduction to Business and its Environment. Cengage Learning, Inc. Pustaka: Materi: Hafidhuddin, Didin and Tanjung. (2019). Introduction to Sharia Management. Depok: Rajawali Press. Pustaka: Materi: Syarifuddin dkk Sakirah. (2021). Pengantar Bisnis Islam. Widina Bhakti Persada. Pustaka: |
5% |
Minggu ke 10 |
Mahasiswa memahami konsep penggerakan SDM dan Motivasi SDM |
mampu menjelaskan konsep penggerakan SDM dan Motivasi SDM |
- pemahaan terkait motivasi SDM dan penggerakan
- mahasiswa mampu mengidentifikasi masalah pengegrakan SDM dan solusinya
Bentuk Penilaian : Aktifitas Partisipasif |
pembelajaran langsung dengan metode klasikal, dan diskusi kasus bisnis terkait penggerakan
Materi: konsep penggerakan SDM dan Motivasi SDM Pustaka: Hafidhuddin, Didin and Tanjung. (2019). Introduction to Sharia Management. Depok: Rajawali Press. |
5% |
Minggu ke 11 |
mahasiswa memahami komunikasi dalam penggerakan SDM |
mampu menjelaskan komunikasi dalam penggerakan SDM |
RUBRIK Bentuk Penilaian : Aktifitas Partisipasif |
Materi: komunikasi dalam penggerakan SDM Pustaka: Hafidhuddin, Didin and Tanjung. (2019). Introduction to Sharia Management. Depok: Rajawali Press. |
5% |
Minggu ke 12 |
Mahasiswa memahami kepemimpinan dalam penggerakan |
mahasiswa memahami kepemimpinan dalam menggerakkan SDM |
Rubrik Penilaian Bentuk Penilaian : Aktifitas Partisipasif |
diskusi, klasikal
Materi: kepemimpinan dalam penggerakan Pustaka: Syarifuddin dkk Sakirah. (2021). Pengantar Bisnis Islam. Widina Bhakti Persada. Materi: kepemimpinan dalam penggerakan Pustaka: Hafidhuddin, Didin and Tanjung. (2019). Introduction to Sharia Management. Depok: Rajawali Press. |
5% |
Minggu ke 13 |
Mahasiswa dapat menjelaskan tentang Perubahan |
- Penyebab perubahan
- 2. Cara menangani perubahan
- 3. Proses manajemen perubahan
- 4. Pendekatan terhadap perubahan organisasi
- Assessment rubric
- Partisipatory Assessment
Bentuk Penilaian : Aktifitas Partisipasif |
Diskusi, Ceramah, Studi Kasus, dan Tanya Jawab 150 |
Materi: 1. Nickels WG, Mchugh JM, Mchugh SM. William G. Nickels, James McHugh, Susan McHugh. (2018). Understanding Business. McGraw-Hill Education Pustaka: Materi: 2. Jane, B. (2019). Business in Context: An Introduction to Business and its Environment. Cengage Learning, Inc. Pustaka: Materi: 3. Hafidhuddin, Didin and Tanjung. (2019). Introduction to Sharia Management. Depok: Rajawali Press. Pustaka: Materi: 4. Syarifuddin dkk Sakirah. (2021). Pengantar Bisnis Islam. Widina Bhakti Persada Pustaka: |
5% |
Minggu ke 14 |
Mahasiswa dapat menjelaskan tentang Konflik dan jenis-jenis konflik, Metode manajemen konflik, Konflik struktural, konflik lini dan konflik staf. |
- Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan pengertian konflik
- Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan jenis - jenis konflik
- Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan manajemen konflik
Portofolio Assessment Bentuk Penilaian : Penilaian Portofolio |
Diskusi, Klasikal 150 Menit |
Materi: 1. Nickels WG, Mchugh JM, Mchugh SM. William G. Nickels, James McHugh, Susan McHugh. (2018). Understanding Business. McGraw-Hill Education Pustaka: Materi: 2. Jane, B. (2019). Business in Context: An Introduction to Business and its Environment. Cengage Learning, Inc. Pustaka: Materi: 3. Hafidhuddin, Didin and Tanjung. (2019). Introduction to Sharia Management. Depok: Rajawali Press. Pustaka: Materi: 4. Syarifuddin dkk Sakirah. (2021). Pengantar Bisnis Islam. Widina Bhakti Persada. Pustaka: |
20% |
Minggu ke 15 |
Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan terkait supervision, tipe-tipe supervisi, monitoring process |
mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan konsep supervisi |
rubrik holistik Bentuk Penilaian : Aktifitas Partisipasif |
klasikal, diskusi, study case
Materi: supervision, tipe-tipe supervisi, monitoring process Pustaka: Syarifuddin dkk Sakirah. (2021). Pengantar Bisnis Islam. Widina Bhakti Persada. Materi: supervision, tipe-tipe supervisi, monitoring process Pustaka: Hafidhuddin, Didin and Tanjung. (2019). Introduction to Sharia Management. Depok: Rajawali Press. |
0% |
Minggu ke 16 |
Rubrik Penilaian Bentuk Penilaian : Tes |
Materi: Bisnis dan Manajemen dalam Islam Pustaka: Hafidhuddin, Didin and Tanjung. (2019). Introduction to Sharia Management. Depok: Rajawali Press. Materi: Bisnis dan Manajemen dalam Islam Pustaka: Syarifuddin dkk Sakirah. (2021). Pengantar Bisnis Islam. Widina Bhakti Persada. |
15% |