Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni
Program Studi S1 Sastra Inggris (Kampus Kabupaten Magetan)

Kode Dokumen




Rumpun MataKuliah

Bobot Kredit


Tanggal Penyusunan

Research Methodology in Linguistics






30 Januari 2025


Pengembang S.P

Koordinator Rumpun matakuliah

Koordinator Program Studi



Lisetyo Ariyanti, S.S., M.Pd.

Model Pembelajaran

Case Study

Program Learning Outcomes (PLO)

PLO program Studi yang dibebankan pada matakuliah

Program Objectives (PO)

PO - 1

being able to comprehend and apply basic research method in linguistic; background of the study

PO - 2

being able to comprehend and apply basic research method in linguistic; theorytical framework

PO - 3

being able to comprehend and apply basic research method in linguistic; research design, data nalysis, and interpretation

PO - 4

being able proficient in various data collection methods used in linguistics, including surveys, interviews, corpus analysis, and experimental design,

Matrik PLO-PO


Matrik PO pada Kemampuan akhir tiap tahapan belajar (Sub-PO)

PO Minggu Ke
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Deskripsi Singkat Mata Kuliah

This subject explores types and characteristics of various research methods for Linguistic filed. These covers: (1) the nature of quantitative and qualitative approaches: process of conducting research and the difference between quantitative and qualitative approaches; (2) the steps in the process of research: from collecting data up until reporting and evaluating data; (3) research design: types and their characteristics. The classroom activities are conducted through presentation, discussion, question-answer, and assignment.


Utama :

  1. Litosseliti, Lia (ed.). (2010). Research Methods in Linguistics . London and New York: Continuum International Publishing Group.
  2. Wray, A., Trott, K., Bloomer, A., Reay, S., and Butler, C. (1998). Projects in Linguistics: A Practical Guide to Researching Language . People’s Republic of China: Edward Arnold.
  3. More references: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1BbxEDZh-teT7Xw3b2qqtlXIzxpBQO4M7

Pendukung :

Dosen Pengampu

Minggu Ke-

Kemampuan akhir tiap tahapan belajar


Bantuk Pembelajaran,

Metode Pembelajaran,

Penugasan Mahasiswa,

 [ Estimasi Waktu]

Materi Pembelajaran

[ Pustaka ]

Bobot Penilaian (%)


Kriteria & Bentuk

Luring (offline)

Daring (online)










Minggu ke 1

To understand the area and the purpose of this subject and the mechanism of the study

· To mention the area of the subject · To mention the purpose of the study · To explain the class mechanism


content understanding

Bentuk Penilaian :
Aktifitas Partisipasif, Praktik / Unjuk Kerja
Presentation, Question-Answer
3 X 50

Materi: understanding of linguistic research
Pustaka: Wray, A., Trott, K., Bloomer, A., Reay, S., and Butler, C. (1998). Projects in Linguistics: A Practical Guide to Researching Language . People’s Republic of China: Edward Arnold.


Minggu ke 2

To understand how to start doing a research and formulating research questions in linguistics (CLO 1; CLO 2)

To explain how to start to do a research To identify research questions in Linguistics


understanding and formulating appropriate RQ

Bentuk Penilaian :
Aktifitas Partisipasif, Praktik / Unjuk Kerja
Presentation, Discussion, Question-Answer
3 X 50

Materi: How to formulate RQ
Pustaka: Wray, A., Trott, K., Bloomer, A., Reay, S., and Butler, C. (1998). Projects in Linguistics: A Practical Guide to Researching Language . People’s Republic of China: Edward Arnold.


Minggu ke 3

To understand research area on psycholinguistics, first-language acquisition development, and conversation analysis.(CLO 1; CLO 2)

  1. To identify research topic on psycholinguistics
  2. To identify research topic on first-language acquisition development
  3. To identify research topic on conversation analysis

Understanding of identifying research topic on psycholinguistics, first-language acquisition development, and conversation analysis

Bentuk Penilaian :
Aktifitas Partisipasif
Presentation, Discussion, Question-Answer
3 X 50

Materi: research method in linguistic
Pustaka: Litosseliti, Lia (ed.). (2010). Research Methods in Linguistics . London and New York: Continuum International Publishing Group.


Minggu ke 4

To understand research area on second language acquisition and Style in text(CLO 1; CLO2)

  1. To identify research topic on Second language acquisition
  2. To identify research topic on Style in text Style

understand content

Bentuk Penilaian :
Aktifitas Partisipasif, Praktik / Unjuk Kerja
Presentation, Discussion, Question-Answer
3 X 50

Materi: research method in linguistic
Pustaka: Litosseliti, Lia (ed.). (2010). Research Methods in Linguistics . London and New York: Continuum International Publishing Group.


Minggu ke 5

To understand research area on sociolinguistics, accents and dialects, and structure and meaning.(CLO 1; CLO 2)

  1. To identify research topic on Sociolinguistics
  2. To identify research topic on Accents and dialects of English
  3. To identify research topic on Structure and meaning

content understanding

Bentuk Penilaian :
Aktifitas Partisipasif
Discussion Presentation, Question-Answer, Demonstration
3 X 50

Materi: research method in linguistic
Pustaka: Litosseliti, Lia (ed.). (2010). Research Methods in Linguistics . London and New York: Continuum International Publishing Group.


Minggu ke 6

To understand research area on historical linguistics and Language and gender.(CLO 1; CLO 2)

  1. To identify research topic on hhistorical linguistics
  2. To identify research topic on language and gender

able to identify and understanding of the historical linguistics and language and gender

Bentuk Penilaian :
Aktifitas Partisipasif
Presentation, Discussion, Question-Answer
3 X 50

Materi: research method in linguistic
Pustaka: Litosseliti, Lia (ed.). (2010). Research Methods in Linguistics . London and New York: Continuum International Publishing Group.


Minggu ke 7

To understand characteristics of quantitative method, qualitative method, and combining methods in linguistics research

  1. To explain the characteristics of quantitative method
  2. To explain the characteristics of qualitative method
  3. To explain the characteristics of combining methods in Linguistics Research

content understanding

Bentuk Penilaian :
Aktifitas Partisipasif
Presentation, Discussion, Question-Answer
3 X 50

Materi: research method in linguistic qualitative, quantitive, and mixed
Pustaka: Litosseliti, Lia (ed.). (2010). Research Methods in Linguistics . London and New York: Continuum International Publishing Group.


Minggu ke 8

To understand concepts, framework, issues, organizing data of quantitative method

  1. To explain the concepts, framework, issues of quantitative method
  2. To explain the data organization of quantitative method

understanding of content

Bentuk Penilaian :
Aktifitas Partisipasif
Presentation, Discussion, Question-Answer
3 X 50

Materi: theory of framework
Pustaka: Wray, A., Trott, K., Bloomer, A., Reay, S., and Butler, C. (1998). Projects in Linguistics: A Practical Guide to Researching Language . People’s Republic of China: Edward Arnold.


Minggu ke 9

To understand research types, namely: Corpus Methods in Linguistics and Discourse-Analytic Approaches to Text and Talk

To explain the characteristics of Corpus Methods in Linguistics To explain the characteristics of discourse-analytic approaches to text and talk


able To explain the characteristics of Corpus Methods in Linguistics To explain the characteristics of discourse-analytic approaches to text and talk

Bentuk Penilaian :
Aktifitas Partisipasif, Penilaian Hasil Project / Penilaian Produk, Praktik / Unjuk Kerja
Presentation, Discussion, Question-Answer
3 X 50

Materi: research method in linguistic
Pustaka: Wray, A., Trott, K., Bloomer, A., Reay, S., and Butler, C. (1998). Projects in Linguistics: A Practical Guide to Researching Language . People’s Republic of China: Edward Arnold.


Minggu ke 10

To understand research types, namely: Linguistic Ethnography Contemplating Interviews and Focus Groups

  1. To explain the characteristics of Linguistic Ethnography
  2. To explain the characteristics of Contemplating Interviews and Focus Groups

able to identify and understanding of the Linguistic Ethnography and Contemplating Interviews and Focus Groups

Bentuk Penilaian :
Aktifitas Partisipasif, Praktik / Unjuk Kerja
Presentation, Discussion, Question-Answer
3 X 50

Materi: research method in linguistic
Pustaka: Litosseliti, Lia (ed.). (2010). Research Methods in Linguistics . London and New York: Continuum International Publishing Group.


Minggu ke 11

to understand characteristic and kinds of surveys and interviews used in linguistics

understand characteristic and kinds of surveys and interviews used in linguistics


content understanding

Bentuk Penilaian :
Aktifitas Partisipasif, Praktik / Unjuk Kerja
group discussion

Materi: research method in linguistic
Pustaka: Litosseliti, Lia (ed.). (2010). Research Methods in Linguistics . London and New York: Continuum International Publishing Group.


Minggu ke 12

to understand characteristic and kinds of corpus analysis

able to identify characteristic and kinds of corpus analysis


content analysis and product

Bentuk Penilaian :
Aktifitas Partisipasif, Praktik / Unjuk Kerja
group discussion

Materi: research method in linguistic
Pustaka: Litosseliti, Lia (ed.). (2010). Research Methods in Linguistics . London and New York: Continuum International Publishing Group.


Minggu ke 13

to understand characteristic and kinds of experimental design

able to elaborate and understand characteristic and kinds of experimental design


content understanding

Bentuk Penilaian :
Aktifitas Partisipasif
question-answer discussion

Materi: research method in linguistic
Pustaka: Litosseliti, Lia (ed.). (2010). Research Methods in Linguistics . London and New York: Continuum International Publishing Group.


Minggu ke 14

to understand characteristic and kinds of experimental design

present the product


able to elaborate characteristic and kinds of experimental design based on their product

Bentuk Penilaian :
Aktifitas Partisipasif, Penilaian Praktikum
presentation and discussion

Materi: research method in linguistic
Pustaka: Litosseliti, Lia (ed.). (2010). Research Methods in Linguistics . London and New York: Continuum International Publishing Group.


Minggu ke 15

to understand characteristic and kinds of mixed method

understand characteristic and kinds of mixed method


presenting their task

Bentuk Penilaian :
Aktifitas Partisipasif, Penilaian Hasil Project / Penilaian Produk
group discussion

Materi: research method in linguistic
Pustaka: Litosseliti, Lia (ed.). (2010). Research Methods in Linguistics . London and New York: Continuum International Publishing Group.


Minggu ke 16

to understand characteristic and kinds of mixed method

content understanding


presenting their product

Bentuk Penilaian :
Aktifitas Partisipasif, Penilaian Hasil Project / Penilaian Produk

Materi: research method in linguistic
Pustaka: Litosseliti, Lia (ed.). (2010). Research Methods in Linguistics . London and New York: Continuum International Publishing Group.

Rekap Persentase Evaluasi : Case Study

No Evaluasi Persentase
1. Aktifitas Partisipasif 69.17%
2. Penilaian Hasil Project / Penilaian Produk 9.17%
3. Penilaian Praktikum 5%
4. Praktik / Unjuk Kerja 16.67%


  1. Capaian Pembelajaran Lulusan Program Studi (PLO - Program Studi) adalah kemampuan yang dimiliki oleh setiap lulusan Program Studi yang merupakan internalisasi dari sikap, penguasaan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan sesuai dengan jenjang prodinya yang diperoleh melalui proses pembelajaran.
  2. PLO yang dibebankan pada mata kuliah adalah beberapa capaian pembelajaran lulusan program studi (CPL-Program Studi) yang digunakan untuk pembentukan/pengembangan sebuah mata kuliah yang terdiri dari aspek sikap, ketrampulan umum, ketrampilan khusus dan pengetahuan.
  3. Program Objectives (PO) adalah kemampuan yang dijabarkan secara spesifik dari PLO yang dibebankan pada mata kuliah, dan bersifat spesifik terhadap bahan kajian atau materi pembelajaran mata kuliah tersebut.
  4. Sub-PO Mata kuliah (Sub-PO) adalah kemampuan yang dijabarkan secara spesifik dari PO yang dapat diukur atau diamati dan merupakan kemampuan akhir yang direncanakan pada tiap tahap pembelajaran, dan bersifat spesifik terhadap materi pembelajaran mata kuliah tersebut.
  5. Indikator penilaian kemampuan dalam proses maupun hasil belajar mahasiswa adalah pernyataan spesifik dan terukur yang mengidentifikasi kemampuan atau kinerja hasil belajar mahasiswa yang disertai bukti-bukti.
  6. Kreteria Penilaian adalah patokan yang digunakan sebagai ukuran atau tolok ukur ketercapaian pembelajaran dalam penilaian berdasarkan indikator-indikator yang telah ditetapkan. Kreteria penilaian merupakan pedoman bagi penilai agar penilaian konsisten dan tidak bias. Kreteria dapat berupa kuantitatif ataupun kualitatif.
  7. Bentuk penilaian: tes dan non-tes.
  8. Bentuk pembelajaran: Kuliah, Responsi, Tutorial, Seminar atau yang setara, Praktikum, Praktik Studio, Praktik Bengkel, Praktik Lapangan, Penelitian, Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat dan/atau bentuk pembelajaran lain yang setara.
  9. Metode Pembelajaran: Small Group Discussion, Role-Play & Simulation, Discovery Learning, Self-Directed Learning, Cooperative Learning, Collaborative Learning, Contextual Learning, Project Based Learning, dan metode lainnya yg setara.
  10. Materi Pembelajaran adalah rincian atau uraian dari bahan kajian yg dapat disajikan dalam bentuk beberapa pokok dan sub-pokok bahasan.
  11. Bobot penilaian adalah prosentasi penilaian terhadap setiap pencapaian sub-PO yang besarnya proposional dengan tingkat kesulitan pencapaian sub-PO tsb., dan totalnya 100%.
  12. TM=Tatap Muka, PT=Penugasan terstruktur, BM=Belajar mandiri.